talebolano / yolov3-network-slimming

yolov3 network slimming剪枝的一种实现
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剪枝后准确率和速率 #1

Open lucheng07082221 opened 5 years ago

lucheng07082221 commented 5 years ago

您好: 请问下你剪枝后准确率和速率与原始模型比较有多大损失?

talebolano commented 5 years ago


lucheng07082221 commented 5 years ago

@talebolano 这个厉害了,再结合下tensorRT 优化引擎,reference一张图大概就1ms左右。对了你的yolov2剪枝的什么时候可以开源?

talebolano commented 5 years ago


hewumars commented 5 years ago

@talebolano 使用稀疏训练,recall算正常,但是precision下降得厉害,虚框太多是怎么回事?是要剪枝以后就正常了?recall和precision如下 image

hewumars commented 5 years ago


talebolano commented 5 years ago

@hewumars 剪枝之后呢,我觉得稀疏化训练应该到达loss平稳而且γ系数也没有变化为止

hewumars commented 5 years ago


hewumars commented 5 years ago

剪枝之后准确率稍微有一点提升。 我看你提到Rethinking the Smaller-Norm-Less-Informative Assumption in Channel Pruning of Convolution Layers,感觉和Network Slimming区别不是很大。主要是惩罚项有变化。它的效果会更好一些吗?

hewumars commented 5 years ago


talebolano commented 5 years ago

@hewumars Rethinking the Smaller-Norm-Less-Informative Assumption in Channel Pruning of Convolution Layers这篇文章除了替换了惩罚项以外,还想办法保留了bn层的被减通道的偏置,这样剪枝之后的精度损失就很小,可以减少微调的epoch。关于shortcut我暂时没有好的想法。。所以就直接省掉不减

hewumars commented 5 years ago


Ariel-JUAN commented 5 years ago

您好,可以请问一下您是在什么环境下跑的yolo呢?我在titan x上剪枝完测试,发现时间并没有提高。。。或许是因为剪枝在GPU提升的不明显?

talebolano commented 5 years ago

@Ariel-JUAN gtx1060,请问你剪枝后的总bflops有没有减少,另外是否是一边播放一边测试的

Ariel-JUAN commented 5 years ago

@talebolano 有减少,不是一边播放一边测试的,我就是在测试集上测试的图片。我决定再剪枝试试效果! 还有一个问题,就是我看到您分享了RETHINKING THE SMALLER-NORM-LESSINFORMATIVE代码,您有写这个论文的阅读博客嘛?因为我看这个论文的时候看的比较费力,而且没有好的参考资料。。。不知道您有写博文吗?

talebolano commented 5 years ago

@Ariel-JUAN 并没有写过。。不过我认为这篇论文相比于networkslimming来说,主要提出在剪bn的γ时也会减去bn的bias,于是将bn层减去的参数的bias作为常量添加到下一层卷积的bias或bn层running mean中,相比于之前的算法减小了剪枝造成的误差;更换了惩罚项,感觉他的惩罚项类似于梯度截断法(实际用起来有γ发散的问题);此外还有考虑各层运算量的大小,对不同bn层梯度下降时施以不同的惩罚,有些区分层的重要性的感觉。还有一个小trick,在稀疏化训练前将bn层γ权重缩小α倍,同时将同层的卷积权重放大α倍,这样输出的feature map没有变,方便快速稀疏化γ权重(但感觉这个trick实际没有什么用)

Ariel-JUAN commented 5 years ago

@talebolano 您好,谢谢您的回复。我后来又训练了一次,剪枝前的参数量是48.4M,flops是22.59G;剪枝后的参数量是34M,flops是16.10G。模型体积有减小,但是inference时间还是没有变化,是因为flops减少的小吗?还想请教一个问题,就是在额外惩罚BN的时候,不会对原来的任务有影响吗?

nationalflag commented 5 years ago


EtheneXiang commented 5 years ago



EtheneXiang commented 5 years ago

剪枝之后准确率稍微有一点提升。 我看你提到Rethinking the Smaller-Norm-Less-Informative Assumption in Channel Pruning of Convolution Layers,感觉和Network Slimming区别不是很大。主要是惩罚项有变化。它的效果会更好一些吗?

请问训练时候,这些信息是啥意思:我在widerface上训练的,只有人脸这一类。 0~20%:0.754621,20~40%:0.993606,40~60%:0.999061,60~80%:1.000931,80~100%:2.887091 [Epoch 1/2000, Batch 82/776] [Losses: x 0.107047, y 0.065480, w 0.076614, h 0.095350, conf 0.150828, cls 0.000000, total 0.495318, recall: 0.89583, precision: 0.21140

EtheneXiang commented 5 years ago

@talebolano 这个厉害了,再结合下tensorRT 优化引擎,reference一张图大概就1ms左右。对了你的yolov2剪枝的什么时候可以开源?


zhouying12 commented 5 years ago

对yolov3-tiny进行剪枝的时候 recall和precision都特别低,请问这是怎么回事?是哪个环节出问题了么?

[Epoch 50/2000, Batch 53/72] [Losses: x 0.148869, y 0.140013, w 0.234697, h 0.129271, conf 1.023471, cls 0.046769, total 1.723090, recall: 0.01673, precision: 0.00075]

[Epoch 50/2000, Batch 54/72] [Losses: x 0.154306, y 0.131487, w 0.207371, h 0.152046, conf 1.002264, cls 0.046794, total 1.694268, recall: 0.01505, precision: 0.00068]

[Epoch 50/2000, Batch 55/72] [Losses: x 0.166411, y 0.153774, w 0.255958, h 0.165886, conf 1.022801, cls 0.046864, total 1.811693, recall: 0.02252, precision: 0.00064]

[Epoch 50/2000, Batch 56/72] [Losses: x 0.169226, y 0.151126, w 0.234970, h 0.181641, conf 1.006080, cls 0.046636, total 1.789679, recall: 0.02556, precision: 0.00120]

AntoineGerardeaux commented 5 years ago

对yolov3-tiny进行剪枝的时候 recall和precision都特别低,请问这是怎么回事?是哪个环节出问题了么?

[Epoch 50/2000, Batch 53/72] [Losses: x 0.148869, y 0.140013, w 0.234697, h 0.129271, conf 1.023471, cls 0.046769, total 1.723090, recall: 0.01673, precision: 0.00075]

[Epoch 50/2000, Batch 54/72] [Losses: x 0.154306, y 0.131487, w 0.207371, h 0.152046, conf 1.002264, cls 0.046794, total 1.694268, recall: 0.01505, precision: 0.00068]

[Epoch 50/2000, Batch 55/72] [Losses: x 0.166411, y 0.153774, w 0.255958, h 0.165886, conf 1.022801, cls 0.046864, total 1.811693, recall: 0.02252, precision: 0.00064]

[Epoch 50/2000, Batch 56/72] [Losses: x 0.169226, y 0.151126, w 0.234970, h 0.181641, conf 1.006080, cls 0.046636, total 1.789679, recall: 0.02556, precision: 0.00120]


I think it was because the tiny model is already pruned. Thus, when you prune the network, you are pruning important connections. Someone agrees?

Best regards, Antoine

MrWangg1992 commented 5 years ago

我在oxfordhandcoco data 上都是训练到某个数据之后就会全部变成nan, 有遇到过同样问题的吗

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4310/4807] [Losses: x 0.559568, y 0.449969, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4311/4807] [Losses: x 1.351404, y 0.073808, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4312/4807] [Losses: x 0.565127, y 0.776471, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4313/4807] [Losses: x 1.911261, y 1.173486, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4314/4807] [Losses: x 1.864917, y 1.443722, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4315/4807] [Losses: x 0.734070, y 0.451903, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4316/4807] [Losses: x 1.529638, y 0.927384, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4317/4807] [Losses: x 1.410421, y 0.737190, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4318/4807] [Losses: x 0.984508, y 1.299099, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4319/4807] [Losses: x 0.562218, y 0.542996, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4320/4807] [Losses: x 0.705390, y 0.320980, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4321/4807] [Losses: x 0.771150, y 0.596184, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4322/4807] [Losses: x 1.503293, y 1.102003, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4323/4807] [Losses: x 0.398452, y 0.758132, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4324/4807] [Losses: x 0.979589, y 0.932716, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4325/4807] [Losses: x 1.462005, y 0.916303, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4326/4807] [Losses: x 1.056415, y 1.085148, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4327/4807] [Losses: x 0.869335, y 0.908485, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4328/4807] [Losses: x 1.306761, y 1.133485, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4329/4807] [Losses: x 0.574308, y 0.927573, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4330/4807] [Losses: x 0.821825, y 0.987420, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4331/4807] [Losses: x 0.923663, y 0.000309, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4332/4807] [Losses: x 1.362158, y 1.890960, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4333/4807] [Losses: x 1.202949, y 1.423668, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4334/4807] [Losses: x 1.040447, y 1.417180, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

yyx1107 commented 5 years ago

我在oxfordhandcoco data 上都是训练到某个数据之后就会全部变成nan, 有遇到过同样问题的吗

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4310/4807] [Losses: x 0.559568, y 0.449969, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4311/4807] [Losses: x 1.351404, y 0.073808, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4312/4807] [Losses: x 0.565127, y 0.776471, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4313/4807] [Losses: x 1.911261, y 1.173486, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4314/4807] [Losses: x 1.864917, y 1.443722, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4315/4807] [Losses: x 0.734070, y 0.451903, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4316/4807] [Losses: x 1.529638, y 0.927384, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4317/4807] [Losses: x 1.410421, y 0.737190, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4318/4807] [Losses: x 0.984508, y 1.299099, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4319/4807] [Losses: x 0.562218, y 0.542996, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4320/4807] [Losses: x 0.705390, y 0.320980, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4321/4807] [Losses: x 0.771150, y 0.596184, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4322/4807] [Losses: x 1.503293, y 1.102003, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4323/4807] [Losses: x 0.398452, y 0.758132, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4324/4807] [Losses: x 0.979589, y 0.932716, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4325/4807] [Losses: x 1.462005, y 0.916303, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4326/4807] [Losses: x 1.056415, y 1.085148, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4327/4807] [Losses: x 0.869335, y 0.908485, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4328/4807] [Losses: x 1.306761, y 1.133485, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4329/4807] [Losses: x 0.574308, y 0.927573, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4330/4807] [Losses: x 0.821825, y 0.987420, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4331/4807] [Losses: x 0.923663, y 0.000309, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4332/4807] [Losses: x 1.362158, y 1.890960, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4333/4807] [Losses: x 1.202949, y 1.423668, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]

[Epoch 1/2, Batch 4334/4807] [Losses: x 1.040447, y 1.417180, w nan, h nan, conf 82.893064, cls 13.146080, total nan, recall: 0.00000, precision: 1.00000]
