When exporting Database dataset to publish datapack, filename contains shp extension (ie videoprotectionsig.videoprotection.shp.zip). However, when the MD is publish, the link for dataset is set to http://[...]/videoprotectionsig.videoprotection.zip
open pack_data job
select setFileName component and go to Composant configuration
for "filename" parameter change value to "context.fileToPack.startsWith("PG") ? new java.io.File(context.fileName).getName() : new java.io.File(context.fileToPack).getName()"
When exporting Database dataset to publish datapack, filename contains shp extension (ie videoprotectionsig.videoprotection.shp.zip). However, when the MD is publish, the link for dataset is set to http://[...]/videoprotectionsig.videoprotection.zip