talent-connect / connect

Mentor-mentee and jobseeker-company matchmaking platform used by ReDI School of Digital Integration, in Berlin, Munich and Düsseldorf, Germany.
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[TP/CON | Badge for active users] Tracking of active users #733

Open fortini opened 1 year ago

fortini commented 1 year ago


Tracking of active users for Talent Pool & CON As a suggestion from Karina, this was one of the feature requests from the workshop in November. Back then, it was imagined a badge “Active mentor” or “Active candidate” on the profile and/on on the users profile picture.

Why are we doing this? To improve the features to interactions between users in TP/CON

What needs to be done?

kdanilyants commented 1 year ago

As discussed today in the All Stars with @fortini , @helloanil and @ligiamxm ,

We need to agree on what the "last activity" means (assumption: any iteraction with the platform by a logged in user) Based on this definition, we might need to check the data protection laws and the terms of use (assumption: since we are not really tracking the user behavious, there are not that many implications to consider, however, we might need to adjust terms&conditions)

ericbolikowski commented 1 year ago

This assumption is correct: "any iteraction with the platform by a logged in user"

fortini commented 1 year ago

Yes, Eric, we can make that assumption. Today, we have this terms&permissions in our sites: Students & companies need to give permission stated in the Data Protection And Students also need to agree to the Code of Conduct of ReDI School

I checked recently with people involved in the platforms, and for now, they are updated. However, if we need to update it, we can arrange it.