talent-connect / connect

Mentor-mentee and jobseeker-company matchmaking platform used by ReDI School of Digital Integration, in Berlin, Munich and Düsseldorf, Germany.
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[CON | Automated Messages] Create new reminders for mentors & mentees for Malmo #886

Open astkhikatredi opened 3 months ago

astkhikatredi commented 3 months ago


We are currently integrating Malmo as a new location in ReDI Connect, so all the new reminders need to be integrated for Malmo users as well.

What needs to be done?

To integrate all the new reminder emails for Malmo as well. Here is the ticket for reminders for Germany and Cyberspace.

The list of reminders is below, I shared texts with Alice for confirmation:

  1. Reminder to Mentors who have not completed their Profile (2 weeks after profile creation): Priority 1
  1. Reminder to Approved Mentees Without Mentor Application to Apply: Priority 2

    • Reminder (7 days after profile approval)

    • Reminder - Cyberspace Mentees (7 days after profile approval)

    • Reminder (14 days after profile approval)

    • Reminder - Cyberspace Mentees (14 days after profile approval)

    1. Reminder: In-between service for long-term (3+ months) mentorships to check what is going on (3 months after the mentorship match date) - here we have an open question about Typeform - Hadeer and Josefa are working on it:** Priority 3

    2. Reminder to Unmatched mentees about the platform and new mentors there. (Unmatched mentee is a mentee that was approved, but didn’t apply for a mentor or applied, but was not accepted, 45 days after approval):** Priority 4

  2. Reminder Mentors to Log-in Mentoring Sessions: Priority 5

    • Reminder to mentor (2 weeks after mentor and mentee got matched and if there are no logged-in sessions) - here we have an open question about certificate - TBC

    • Reminder to mentor (4 weeks after they got matched and if there are no logged-in sessions)

  3. Reminder to Mentees about Logging Mentoring Sessions: Priority 6

    • Reminder to mentee (2 weeks after mentor and mentee got matched and if there are no logged-in sessions)

    • Reminder to mentee (4 weeks after they got matched and if there are no logged-in sessions)

    1. Reminder for Mentors About Pending Mentorship Application From A Mentee (2 weeks after the date of match requested):** Priority 7
astkhikatredi commented 3 months ago

On hold, until we get funding (could be June/July)