talent-connect / connect

Mentor-mentee and jobseeker-company matchmaking platform used by ReDI School of Digital Integration, in Berlin, Munich and Düsseldorf, Germany.
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[CON]: Making URLs of mentors unique #940

Open astkhikatredi opened 1 month ago

astkhikatredi commented 1 month ago


We would like to create a Slack automation that will notify a specific Slack channel about newly approved mentors. To achieve this, we need a unique URL for each mentor's page.

Currently, as a mentor, the URL for my profile is: https://connect.redi-school.org/app/me (without a unique ID). But when I browse mentors as a mentee, I can see unique IDs there, for example https://connect.redi-school.org/app/find-a-mentor/profile/a2dQF0000006kxpYAA. So it would be great to show this ID also for mentors.

What needs to be done?

To ensure that mentor profile URLs include unique IDs. There was a similar ticket for jobseeker URL that could be used for reference.


ericbolikowski commented 1 month ago

Slack notifications like this will likely lead to mentees (and maybe mentors) opening the profiles of mentors that are unavailable. Because another mentee applied and the mentor accepted. Or because the mentor has adjusted their mentorship capacity.

How about we do a small update to the page: