talented / FileManager

A file manager web app with Django rest framework in backend and Vue.js in frontend with ag-grid data tables integration.
75 stars 24 forks source link

Nice #1

Open iskradelta opened 4 years ago

iskradelta commented 4 years ago

Sweet project.

The cellRenderer for making icons, filetypeCellRenderer, I found you can actually use a vue component instead of a renderer, which then becomes easier to manage. Seen now that you are registering it both as a cellRenderer and as a frameworkComponent, but its enough to put it in one .vue file and call it a cellRendererFramework

Like this here, https://github.com/seanlandsman/ag-grid-vue-playground/blob/master/src/components/DeclarativeGridExample.vue

talented commented 4 years ago

thanks for your feedback. I've had some hard times with vue and ag-grid actually when I was building this project. Let me check that.

Allan-Nava commented 4 years ago

R u listing only the file upload right ? not like django-filebrowser can retrieve all files inside a specific folder

talented commented 4 years ago

Multiple upload is not supported. I would use filepond js library for this functionality.

Allan-Nava commented 4 years ago

Ah okay, I thought is similar django-filebrowser, so I can list all my files inside a specific folder.