talgalili / d3heatmap

A D3.js-based heatmap htmlwidget for R
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Rendering with ioslides_presentation #30

Open wbuchanan opened 9 years ago

wbuchanan commented 9 years ago

Tooltips and zoom functionality is rendered inconsistently in ioslides_presentations. Sometimes the zoom functionality needs to be used in the previous slide, other times not. The tooltips also render one slide prior to the slide containing the visualization.

title: "test"
output: ioslides_presentation


# Bug reproduction

- Tool tips for the mtcars heat map will render on this slide

```{r, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, cache = FALSE}
d3heatmap(mtcars, scale = "column", colors = "Blues")

library(plyr); library(magrittr)
forHeatMap <- plyr::ddply(baseball, "id", summarise,
 duration = max(year) - min(year),
 nteams = length(unique(team))) %>% dplyr::select(duration, nteams)

d3heatmap(forHeatMap, scale = "column", colors = "PuOr")