Closed talgalili closed 7 years ago
With the latest version of ggplot2 and plotly this is still an issue, but the legend appears in a different location:
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.0 (2016-05-03)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
[1] LC_COLLATE=Hebrew_Israel.1255 LC_CTYPE=Hebrew_Israel.1255
[3] LC_MONETARY=Hebrew_Israel.1255 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=Hebrew_Israel.1255
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] heatmaply_0.9.0 viridis_0.3.4 plotly_4.5.6.9000 ggplot2_2.2.1.9000
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] mclust_5.2.3 Rcpp_0.12.10 mvtnorm_1.0-6 lattice_0.20-33
[5] tidyr_0.6.1 class_7.3-14 gtools_3.5.0 assertthat_0.1
[9] digest_0.6.12 foreach_1.4.3 mime_0.5 R6_2.2.0
[13] plyr_1.8.4 stats4_3.3.0 httr_1.2.1 gplots_3.0.1
[17] lazyeval_0.2.0 diptest_0.75-7 curl_2.4 gdata_2.17.0
[21] whisker_0.3-2 kernlab_0.9-25 labeling_0.3 devtools_1.11.1
[25] stringr_1.2.0 htmlwidgets_0.8 munsell_0.4.3 shiny_1.0.1
[29] httpuv_1.3.3 base64enc_0.1-3 htmltools_0.3.5 nnet_7.3-12
[33] tibble_1.3.0 gridExtra_2.2.1 seriation_1.2-1 codetools_0.2-14
[37] dendextend_1.5.0 viridisLite_0.2.0 dplyr_0.5.0 withr_1.0.2
[41] MASS_7.3-45 bitops_1.0-6 grid_3.3.0 xtable_1.8-2
[45] jsonlite_1.3 gtable_0.2.0 registry_0.3 DBI_0.6-1
[49] git2r_0.15.0 magrittr_1.5 scales_0.4.1 KernSmooth_2.23-15
[53] stringi_1.1.5 reshape2_1.4.2 flexmix_2.3-13 robustbase_0.92-7
[57] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 iterators_1.0.8 tools_3.3.0 Cairo_1.5-9
[61] fpc_2.1-10 trimcluster_0.1-2 DEoptimR_1.0-8 purrr_0.2.2
[65] gclus_1.3.1 crosstalk_1.0.0 yaml_2.1.14 colorspace_1.3-2
[69] cluster_2.0.4 caTools_1.17.1 prabclus_2.2-6 TSP_1.1-5
[73] memoise_1.0.0 knitr_1.15.1 modeltools_0.2-21
Partial fix on new branch, issue remains with colorbar length
The latest version seem to solve it:
And also
heatmaply(iris, row_dend_left = T,
Although I do wonder if in the case of
heatmaply(iris, row_dend_left = T,
The current solution is the best one...