talhavawda / student-lab-sectioning

Student Lab Sectioning with Minimal Perturbation
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Change student id attribute to be their actual institutional student id/number in the input data XML file #13

Closed talhavawda closed 3 years ago

talhavawda commented 3 years ago

Currently for the input data XML file, students are assigned an id from 1 onwards (first student is assigned an id of 1, and incrementing the id number by 1 for each student thereafter. I assumed it had to be this way by observing UniTime's demo data and their Student Sectioning Data Format.

For ModifiedInputProcessing.py:

However, since the solution file (solution.xml) of the solver removes the student number and names attributes that I added to the initial input data XML file, I cannot compare/link students directly to the modified Students.xslx file as new students added (the students are sorted in student number ascending order) or students removed will mean that the student id number in the XML file may not necessarily match up with that number-th student in the Students.xlsx file. But I want the id attribute of the students to be preserved from the initial input data XML file so that the comparison for perturbations is simpler.

So if I can make the student id attribute in the input data XML file be their student number/id according to their institution (university) this ensure that student id's are preserved, and make it easier for me to update the data structure holding the student details and their course requests with the updated requests from the modified Students.xlsx file

talhavawda commented 3 years ago

It works! I can assign any id to the students. I have assigned the students' student numbers to be the id attribute in the input data XML file