talhusain / SlothTorrent

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Implement get_popular_torrents(self, number) in db.py #37

Open badstreff opened 8 years ago

squidmin commented 7 years ago


squidmin commented 7 years ago

I'll give completion of this function least priority out of the issues assigned to me (since I volunteered to assist with its implementation after having prioritized other issues), but I see no good reason why it can't be finished before the COSC 4319 presentation.

squidmin commented 7 years ago

So far I've just read these threads:



So it looks like we will have to start a download before we can get peer/seeder ip addresses and count them, I think.

badstreff commented 7 years ago

This is correct. That's why I mentioned implementing it last, or not at all. Basically in order to get this information and have it be current we would need to write our own Tracker, or constantly Poll other trackers but if the number of torrents is large this is probably not the best option.