taliboliver / Isce_UAVSAR

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a question about codes #1

Open YRchenhub opened 3 months ago

YRchenhub commented 3 months ago


I've been going through the IsceUAVSARprocessing.ipynb file on GitHub, and I couldn't help but notice that the code provided seems to differ from what was mentioned in your documentation. I was particularly interested in your sections and codes , but unfortunately, I couldn't locate it in the file. I wanted to reach out and kindly inquire about this discrepancy. Could you please clarify if there have been any updates or changes made to the codebase since the documentation was written? Any insights you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

YRchenhub commented 3 months ago

such as prepareUAVSAR_coregStackTOmodifV2.py,unpackFrame_UAVSARTOmodif.py,crossmul_uavsar.py

taliboliver commented 3 months ago

Dear @YRchenhub, apologies for the mixed information. This tutorial needs an update, and I hope to be able to refresh it or create a brand new one later in the year. The ISCE2 stripmap stack processor has updated versions of the scripts you point to, see here prepareUAVSAR_coregStack.py and unpackFrame_UAVSAR.py for example. Additionally you should be able to run a group of unpacked UAVSAR interferograms using ISCE2 stackStripMap like this stackStripMap.py -s SLC/ -d DEM/demLat*.dem.wgs84 -a 12 -r 3 -u snaphu as shown in the stripMap stack processor readme. Additionally you can also take a look at this notebook which follows very similar steps to mine but using more current ISCE2 stack processor steps. Hopefully soon I have time to update this example and improve clarity but it the meantime I hope this cat help you to move forward.

YRchenhub commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your response. I have also processed the data using ISCE's built-in Python scripts as well as my own scripts, achieving similar satisfactory results. As a beginner, I don't fully understand everything yet, but I greatly appreciate your tutorials and look forward to your updates.