talios / clojure-maven-plugin

Apache Maven Mojo for compiling clojure scripts to class files
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Would be nice to depend on nrepl (etc.) via plugin dependencies instead of project dependencies #71

Open jstoneham opened 11 years ago

jstoneham commented 11 years ago

It would be nice to be able to use the REPL extensions by depending on the repl artifacts like nrepl, but not have to put them in my project's actual dependency list, instead putting them on the dependencies list of the plugin itself. That way we don't pollute downstream dependencies or assemblies.

sebhoss commented 11 years ago

You can declare the nrepl dependency in scope "test" and "provided". It will still be picked up by the clojure:nrepl goal, but doesn't pollute downstream.

See http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html for reference.