talkingmoose / Outlook-Exchange-Setup-5

Automatically configure Outlook 2016 for Mac to connect to Exchange
91 stars 18 forks source link

Fixed LaunchAgent script call. Updated .scpt to rm then remove launchctl job. #3

Closed poundbangbash closed 8 years ago

poundbangbash commented 8 years ago

The /L/LA was calling a script that didn't exist by name. Update the name in /L/TMI/Scripts/ to match what the /L/LA was calling.

Updated the AppleScript to remove the extra launchctl unload command after creating the Exchange account. Adjusted the removal of the ~/L/LA so it doesn't prematurely exit the .script from

do shell script "launchctl unload $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/net.talkingmoose.OutlookExchangeSetup5.0"
do shell script "rm $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/net.talkingmoose.OutlookExchangeSetup5.0.plist"


do shell script "rm $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/net.talkingmoose.OutlookExchangeSetup5.0.plist"
do shell script "launchctl remove net.talkingmoose.OutlookExchangeSetup5.0"
poundbangbash commented 8 years ago

Bill addressed manually.