tallforasmurf / PPQT

A post-processing tool for PGDP written in Python, PyQt4, and Qt
GNU General Public License v3.0
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shortcut conflict for File menu and Find tab #99

Closed bibimbop closed 11 years ago

bibimbop commented 11 years ago

The File menu and Find tab have the same shortcut. Depending was widget is active, either can win when alt+f is entered.

If the edit panel is selected, the File wins. If another tab is selected, then Find wins.

tallforasmurf commented 11 years ago

what os is this? I never thought of CTL/CMD-F as anything but Find. Windows XP uses ALT-F to enter the File menu, so Alt-F, S should be Save.

bibimbop commented 11 years ago

Ubuntu 12.04 Should be a similar behaviour in other OSes since that's how it is coded:

pqMain.py:        self.tabSet.addTab(IMC.findPanel, u"&Find")

pqMain.py:        self.fileMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&File")
tallforasmurf commented 11 years ago

The Edit panel intercepts the keyPressEvent ctl-f/cmd-f and performs a find-next. So that never gets to the menu system. Hopefully in Windows the alt-f will get the menu as it conventionally should (need to test).

Removing the ampersands from all the addTab() calls in pqMain. The accelerators given to tabs, e.g. F for Find, V for preview, P for Pngs, are only confusing and could conflict with real menu conventions (like P for Print?) that might be added someday.

Commit 6648b31