tallguyjenks / CV

:scroll: My Data Driven CV written with R, YAML, & LaTeX
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Make a text italics #5

Closed jethroppaPH closed 2 years ago

jethroppaPH commented 3 years ago

I used your template in preparing my CV. I modified the content of the data.r file and added publication. I have a problem, and I cannot find a solution myself, in which I couldn't make a text in italics format. In the title of the paper, there is a scientific name, and as a rule, it must be italicized.

I tried \emph{Otolithes ruber} as well as {\it Otolithes ruber}, but it throws an error and it stopped the rendering of the PDF.

publications <- tribble(
    ~with, ~what, ~why, ~when, ~where,
    "Reproductive biology of Otolithes ruber in XXX", "Name of Journal", "Author1, Author2 & Author3. (20XX). Reproductive biology of Otolithes ruber in XXX. The Journal, XX(i), XX-XX. doi:https://doi.org/xxx", "20XX", "Journal Article"

Thank you.

tallguyjenks commented 2 years ago

i honestly havent played with this in this way. you might need to edit the latex .cls file im not sure