talmolab / sleap

A deep learning framework for multi-animal pose tracking.
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Excessive memory usage when training large SingleImageVideo project (400k+ frames) #1025

Open roomrys opened 1 year ago

roomrys commented 1 year ago

Bug description

I'm trying to train a SLEAP model with 300k training examples, and when it gets to "Building test pipeline", memory usage starts to grow. I thought that changing optimization.preload_data to false might fix it, but that didn't work.

Expected behaviour

SLEAP trains smoothly.

Actual behaviour

SLEAP freezes or just takes forever to run the make_base_pipeline command.

the slow part is a call to LabelsReader.max_height_and_width - it asks all the videos for their shape, which triggers lots of calls to SingleImageVideo._load_test_frame.

Your personal set up

training config (single_instance_no_preload.json) ``` { "data": { "labels": { "training_labels": null, "validation_labels": null, "validation_fraction": 0.1, "test_labels": null, "split_by_inds": false, "training_inds": null, "validation_inds": null, "test_inds": null, "search_path_hints": [], "skeletons": [] }, "preprocessing": { "ensure_rgb": true, "ensure_grayscale": false, "imagenet_mode": null, "input_scaling": 1.0, "pad_to_stride": null, "resize_and_pad_to_target": true, "target_height": null, "target_width": null }, "instance_cropping": { "center_on_part": null, "crop_size": null, "crop_size_detection_padding": 16 } }, "model": { "backbone": { "leap": null, "unet": { "stem_stride": null, "max_stride": 32, "output_stride": 4, "filters": 32, "filters_rate": 1.5, "middle_block": true, "up_interpolate": true, "stacks": 1 }, "hourglass": null, "resnet": null, "pretrained_encoder": null }, "heads": { "single_instance": { "part_names": null, "sigma": 5.0, "output_stride": 4, "offset_refinement": false }, "centroid": null, "centered_instance": null, "multi_instance": null } }, "optimization": { "preload_data": false, "augmentation_config": { "rotate": true, "rotation_min_angle": -180.0, "rotation_max_angle": 180.0, "translate": false, "translate_min": -5, "translate_max": 5, "scale": true, "scale_min": 0.9, "scale_max": 1.1, "uniform_noise": true, "uniform_noise_min_val": 0.0, "uniform_noise_max_val": 10.0, "gaussian_noise": true, "gaussian_noise_mean": 5.0, "gaussian_noise_stddev": 1.0, "contrast": true, "contrast_min_gamma": 0.5, "contrast_max_gamma": 2.0, "brightness": true, "brightness_min_val": 0.0, "brightness_max_val": 10.0, "random_crop": false, "random_crop_height": 256, "random_crop_width": 256, "random_flip": false, "flip_horizontal": false }, "online_shuffling": true, "shuffle_buffer_size": 128, "prefetch": true, "batch_size": 4, "batches_per_epoch": null, "min_batches_per_epoch": 200, "val_batches_per_epoch": null, "min_val_batches_per_epoch": 10, "epochs": 200, "optimizer": "adam", "initial_learning_rate": 0.0001, "learning_rate_schedule": { "reduce_on_plateau": true, "reduction_factor": 0.5, "plateau_min_delta": 1e-06, "plateau_patience": 5, "plateau_cooldown": 3, "min_learning_rate": 1e-08 }, "hard_keypoint_mining": { "online_mining": false, "hard_to_easy_ratio": 2.0, "min_hard_keypoints": 2, "max_hard_keypoints": null, "loss_scale": 5.0 }, "early_stopping": { "stop_training_on_plateau": true, "plateau_min_delta": 1e-06, "plateau_patience": 10 } }, "outputs": { "save_outputs": true, "run_name": "221027_161513", "run_name_prefix": "", "run_name_suffix": ".single_instance", "runs_folder": "", "tags": [ "" ], "save_visualizations": true, "delete_viz_images": true, "zip_outputs": false, "log_to_csv": true, "checkpointing": { "initial_model": false, "best_model": true, "every_epoch": false, "latest_model": false, "final_model": false }, "tensorboard": { "write_logs": false, "loss_frequency": "epoch", "architecture_graph": false, "profile_graph": false, "visualizations": true }, "zmq": { "subscribe_to_controller": false, "controller_address": "tcp://", "controller_polling_timeout": 10, "publish_updates": false, "publish_address": "tcp://" } }, "name": "", "description": "", "sleap_version": "1.1.5", "filename": "single_instance.json" } ```

How to reproduce

  1. Convert training data from COCO to SLP
    labels = sleap.io.format.read(..., as_format='coco')
  2. Run training using single_instance_no_preload.json provided above
    sleap-train single_instance_no_preload.json train-all.slp
  3. No error, but SLEAP just freezes and memory usage increases
talmo commented 1 year ago

Potential workarounds:

Currently following up with Dan Butler about this.

roomrys commented 1 year ago

The culprit ended up being that we cache frames in SingleImageVideo to help with switching frames in the GUI (for high resolution images). However, with 400k labeled frames being cached (not once, but twice: once for SingleImageVideo.test_frame_, and another time in SingleImageVideo.__data), we experience excessive memory growth during training.

The culprits: https://github.com/talmolab/sleap/blob/5093f6992e6214c0d528b7240331b99d0a89a62f/sleap/io/video.py#L847-L861 https://github.com/talmolab/sleap/blob/5093f6992e6214c0d528b7240331b99d0a89a62f/sleap/io/video.py#L967-L980

Why were there 400k SingleImageVideos in the first place?

Our current implementation to import coco datasets creates one SingleImageVideo per image (to handle mismatched image sizes in training #1024). As a secondary PR, we could modify this to create one SingleImageVideo per image size, but we would still be left with the caching problem if many images are of different sizes.

Proposed Solution

Remove default caching for SingleImageVideo and instead allow users to pass an argument (through the GUI) to enable caching. Disable caching during training.

thejanzimmermann commented 1 year ago

has this been resolved @roomrys ? I just ran into the same issue :)

talmo commented 1 year ago

Quick update: #1243 partially fixes this.

By disabling SingleImageVideo caching, we can open projects with 10^5+ images pretty quickly now.

It doesn't solve some other issues related to annotating on those or the downstream training, which will try to cache it and do other unnecessary deserialization/serialization steps.

1242 has some fixes for this, but not all of it and we'll work on integrating those while we work on the downstream stuff.