talmolab / sleap

A deep learning framework for multi-animal pose tracking.
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Add a button for copying model config to clipboard #1433

Closed KevinZ0217 closed 1 year ago

KevinZ0217 commented 1 year ago


Add a button for copying model config in JSON format to clipboard

Types of changes

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codecov[bot] commented 1 year ago

Codecov Report

Merging #1433 (263f8f2) into develop (2611e7d) will decrease coverage by 0.04%. The diff coverage is 29.41%.

@@             Coverage Diff             @@
##           develop    #1433      +/-   ##
- Coverage    73.03%   73.00%   -0.04%     
  Files          133      133              
  Lines        23768    23782      +14     
+ Hits         17360    17363       +3     
- Misses        6408     6419      +11     
Files Changed Coverage Δ
sleap/gui/learning/runners.py 42.09% <ø> (ø)
sleap/gui/learning/dialog.py 66.91% <29.41%> (-0.82%) :arrow_down:

... and 1 file with indirect coverage changes

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roomrys commented 1 year ago

Output from clipboard - 1

{'_pipeline': 'multi-animal top-down', '_ensure_channels': '', 'outputs.run_name_prefix': '', 'outputs.runs_folder': 'D:\\social-leap-estimates-animal-poses\\datasets\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\models', 'outputs.tags': '', 'outputs.checkpointing.best_model': True, 'outputs.checkpointing.latest_model': False, 'outputs.checkpointing.final_model': False, 'outputs.tensorboard.write_logs': False, '_save_viz': True, '_predict_frames': 'suggested frames (20 total frames)', 'max_instances': None, 'model.heads.centroid.sigma': 2.5, 'model.heads.centered_instance.anchor_part': 'abdomen', 'model.heads.centered_instance.sigma': 2.5, 'model.heads.centroid.anchor_part': 'abdomen', 'model.heads.multi_class_topdown.confmaps.anchor_part': 'abdomen', 'data.instance_cropping.center_on_part': 'abdomen', 'data': {'labels': {'training_labels': 'D:/social-leap-estimates-animal-poses/datasets/drosophila-melanogaster-courtship/drosophila-melanogaster-courtship/courtship_labels.slp', 'validation_labels': None, 'validation_fraction': 0.1, 'test_labels': None, 'split_by_inds': False, 'training_inds': [36, 91, 90, 9, 40, 98, 27, 17, 76, 65, 66, 5, 41, 56, 49, 100, 85, 75, 82, 57, 53, 92, 62, 74, 23, 6, 58, 18, 25, 73, 37, 68, 0, 10, 44, 54, 70, 33, 94, 38, 47, 35, 64, 31, 34, 87, 97, 93, 14, 42, 29, 80, 50, 83, 4, 16, 51, 60, 45, 59, 84, 78, 26, 8, 12, 30, 46, 32, 7, 71, 2, 79, 88, 89, 1, 15, 63, 48, 28, 55, 22, 86, 11, 39, 69, 19, 95, 52, 99, 77, 81], 'validation_inds': [21, 20, 96, 24, 43, 3, 72, 61, 67, 13], 'test_inds': None, 'search_path_hints': ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''], 'skeletons': []}, 'preprocessing': {'ensure_rgb': False, 'ensure_grayscale': False, 'imagenet_mode': None, 'input_scaling': 1.0, 'pad_to_stride': 1, 'resize_and_pad_to_target': True, 'target_height': 1280, 'target_width': 1280}, 'instance_cropping': {'center_on_part': 'abdomen', 'crop_size': 144, 'crop_size_detection_padding': 16}}, 'model': {'backbone': {'leap': None, 'unet': {'stem_stride': None, 'max_stride': 16, 'output_stride': 4, 'filters': 24, 'filters_rate': 2.0, 'middle_block': True, 'up_interpolate': True, 'stacks': 1}, 'hourglass': None, 'resnet': None, 'pretrained_encoder': None}, 'heads': {'single_instance': None, 'centroid': None, 'centered_instance': {'anchor_part': 'abdomen', 'part_names': ['head', 'thorax', 'abdomen', 'wingL', 'wingR', 'forelegL4', 'forelegR4', 'midlegL4', 'midlegR4', 'hindlegL4', 'hindlegR4', 'eyeL', 'eyeR'], 'sigma': 2.5, 'output_stride': 4, 'loss_weight': 1.0, 'offset_refinement': False}, 'multi_instance': None, 'multi_class_bottomup': None, 'multi_class_topdown': None}, 'base_checkpoint': None}, 'optimization': {'preload_data': True, 'augmentation_config': {'rotate': True, 'rotation_min_angle': -180.0, 'rotation_max_angle': 180.0, 'translate': False, 'translate_min': -5, 'translate_max': 5, 'scale': False, 'scale_min': 0.9, 'scale_max': 1.1, 'uniform_noise': False, 'uniform_noise_min_val': 0.0, 'uniform_noise_max_val': 10.0, 'gaussian_noise': False, 'gaussian_noise_mean': 5.0, 'gaussian_noise_stddev': 1.0, 'contrast': False, 'contrast_min_gamma': 0.5, 'contrast_max_gamma': 2.0, 'brightness': False, 'brightness_min_val': 0.0, 'brightness_max_val': 10.0, 'random_crop': False, 'random_crop_height': 256, 'random_crop_width': 256, 'random_flip': False, 'flip_horizontal': False}, 'online_shuffling': True, 'shuffle_buffer_size': 128, 'prefetch': True, 'batch_size': 4, 'batches_per_epoch': 200, 'min_batches_per_epoch': 200, 'val_batches_per_epoch': 10, 'min_val_batches_per_epoch': 10, 'epochs': 2, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'initial_learning_rate': 0.0001, 'learning_rate_schedule': {'reduce_on_plateau': True, 'reduction_factor': 0.5, 'plateau_min_delta': 1e-06, 'plateau_patience': 5, 'plateau_cooldown': 3, 'min_learning_rate': 1e-08}, 'hard_keypoint_mining': {'online_mining': False, 'hard_to_easy_ratio': 2.0, 'min_hard_keypoints': 2, 'max_hard_keypoints': None, 'loss_scale': 5.0}, 'early_stopping': {'stop_training_on_plateau': True, 'plateau_min_delta': 1e-08, 'plateau_patience': 10}}, 'outputs': {'save_outputs': True, 'run_name': None, 'run_name_prefix': '', 'run_name_suffix': None, 'runs_folder': 'D:\\social-leap-estimates-animal-poses\\datasets\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\models', 'tags': [''], 'save_visualizations': True, 'delete_viz_images': True, 'zip_outputs': False, 'log_to_csv': True, 'checkpointing': {'initial_model': False, 'best_model': True, 'every_epoch': False, 'latest_model': False, 'final_model': False}, 'tensorboard': {'write_logs': False, 'loss_frequency': 'epoch', 'architecture_graph': False, 'profile_graph': False, 'visualizations': True}, 'zmq': {'subscribe_to_controller': True, 'controller_address': 'tcp://', 'controller_polling_timeout': 10, 'publish_updates': True, 'publish_address': 'tcp://'}}, 'name': '', 'description': '', 'sleap_version': '1.3.1', 'filename': 'D:\\social-leap-estimates-animal-poses\\datasets\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\models\\230621_163457.centered_instance.n=101\\training_config.json'}
roomrys commented 1 year ago
Output from clipboard - 2 ``` { "_pipeline": "multi-animal top-down", "_ensure_channels": "", "outputs.run_name_prefix": "", "outputs.runs_folder": "D:\\social-leap-estimates-animal-poses\\datasets\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\models", "outputs.tags": "", "outputs.checkpointing.best_model": true, "outputs.checkpointing.latest_model": false, "outputs.checkpointing.final_model": false, "outputs.tensorboard.write_logs": false, "_save_viz": true, "_predict_frames": "suggested frames (20 total frames)", "max_instances": null, "model.heads.centroid.sigma": 2.5, "model.heads.centered_instance.anchor_part": "abdomen", "model.heads.centered_instance.sigma": 2.5, "model.heads.centroid.anchor_part": "abdomen", "model.heads.multi_class_topdown.confmaps.anchor_part": "abdomen", "data.instance_cropping.center_on_part": "abdomen", "data": { "labels": { "training_labels": "D:/social-leap-estimates-animal-poses/datasets/drosophila-melanogaster-courtship/drosophila-melanogaster-courtship/courtship_labels.slp", "validation_labels": null, "validation_fraction": 0.1, "test_labels": null, "split_by_inds": false, "training_inds": [ 36, 91, 90, 9, 40, 98, 27, 17, 76, 65, 66, 5, 41, 56, 49, 100, 85, 75, 82, 57, 53, 92, 62, 74, 23, 6, 58, 18, 25, 73, 37, 68, 0, 10, 44, 54, 70, 33, 94, 38, 47, 35, 64, 31, 34, 87, 97, 93, 14, 42, 29, 80, 50, 83, 4, 16, 51, 60, 45, 59, 84, 78, 26, 8, 12, 30, 46, 32, 7, 71, 2, 79, 88, 89, 1, 15, 63, 48, 28, 55, 22, 86, 11, 39, 69, 19, 95, 52, 99, 77, 81 ], "validation_inds": [ 21, 20, 96, 24, 43, 3, 72, 61, 67, 13 ], "test_inds": null, "search_path_hints": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "skeletons": [] }, "preprocessing": { "ensure_rgb": false, "ensure_grayscale": false, "imagenet_mode": null, "input_scaling": 1.0, "pad_to_stride": 1, "resize_and_pad_to_target": true, "target_height": 1280, "target_width": 1280 }, 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10, "publish_updates": true, "publish_address": "tcp://" } }, "name": "", "description": "", "sleap_version": "1.3.1", "filename": "D:\\social-leap-estimates-animal-poses\\datasets\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\models\\230621_163457.centered_instance.n=101\\training_config.json" } ```
roomrys commented 1 year ago
Output from clipboard - 3 ``` { "_pipeline": "multi-animal top-down", "_ensure_channels": "", "outputs.run_name_prefix": "", "outputs.runs_folder": "D:\\social-leap-estimates-animal-poses\\datasets\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\models", "outputs.tags": "", "outputs.checkpointing.best_model": true, "outputs.checkpointing.latest_model": false, "outputs.checkpointing.final_model": false, "outputs.tensorboard.write_logs": false, "_save_viz": true, "_predict_frames": "suggested frames (20 total frames)", "max_instances": null, "model.heads.centroid.sigma": 2.5, "model.heads.centered_instance.anchor_part": "abdomen", "model.heads.centered_instance.sigma": 2.5, "model.heads.centroid.anchor_part": "abdomen", "model.heads.multi_class_topdown.confmaps.anchor_part": "abdomen", "data.instance_cropping.center_on_part": "abdomen" } { "data": { "labels": { "training_labels": "D:/social-leap-estimates-animal-poses/datasets/drosophila-melanogaster-courtship/drosophila-melanogaster-courtship/courtship_labels.slp", "validation_labels": null, "validation_fraction": 0.1, "test_labels": null, "split_by_inds": false, "training_inds": [ 73, 87, 79, 5, 7, 62, 37, 84, 40, 80, 0, 56, 14, 86, 100, 28, 78, 12, 34, 54, 11, 94, 52, 41, 27, 59, 29, 72, 65, 6, 91, 66, 51, 45, 70, 57, 63, 76, 36, 53, 1, 19, 68, 61, 4, 9, 43, 24, 10, 44, 83, 90, 81, 17, 93, 38, 16, 89, 21, 15, 97, 39, 88, 64, 99, 8, 2, 49, 82, 18, 30, 48, 50, 42, 95, 32, 31, 46, 23, 98, 58, 33, 69, 75, 55, 20, 22, 67, 85, 96, 3 ], "validation_inds": [ 74, 71, 47, 92, 60, 77, 26, 25, 35, 13 ], "test_inds": null, "search_path_hints": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "skeletons": [] }, "preprocessing": { "ensure_rgb": false, "ensure_grayscale": false, "imagenet_mode": null, "input_scaling": 1.0, "pad_to_stride": 16, "resize_and_pad_to_target": true, "target_height": 1024, "target_width": 1024 }, "instance_cropping": { "center_on_part": "abdomen", "crop_size": 576, "crop_size_detection_padding": 16 } }, "model": { "backbone": { "leap": null, "unet": { "stem_stride": null, "max_stride": 32, "output_stride": 2, "filters": 24, "filters_rate": 1.5, "middle_block": true, "up_interpolate": true, "stacks": 1 }, "hourglass": null, "resnet": null, "pretrained_encoder": null }, "heads": { "single_instance": null, "centroid": { "anchor_part": "abdomen", "sigma": 2.5, "output_stride": 2, "loss_weight": 1.0, "offset_refinement": false }, "centered_instance": null, "multi_instance": null, "multi_class_bottomup": null, "multi_class_topdown": null }, "base_checkpoint": null }, "optimization": { "preload_data": true, "augmentation_config": { "rotate": true, "rotation_min_angle": -180.0, "rotation_max_angle": 180.0, "translate": false, "translate_min": -5, "translate_max": 5, "scale": false, "scale_min": 0.9, "scale_max": 1.1, "uniform_noise": false, "uniform_noise_min_val": 0.0, 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"early_stopping": { "stop_training_on_plateau": true, "plateau_min_delta": 1e-08, "plateau_patience": 20 } }, "outputs": { "save_outputs": true, "run_name": null, "run_name_prefix": "", "run_name_suffix": null, "runs_folder": "D:\\social-leap-estimates-animal-poses\\datasets\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\models", "tags": [ "" ], "save_visualizations": true, "delete_viz_images": true, "zip_outputs": false, "log_to_csv": true, "checkpointing": { "initial_model": false, "best_model": true, "every_epoch": false, "latest_model": false, "final_model": false }, "tensorboard": { "write_logs": false, "loss_frequency": "epoch", "architecture_graph": false, "profile_graph": false, "visualizations": true }, "zmq": { "subscribe_to_controller": true, "controller_address": "tcp://", "controller_polling_timeout": 10, "publish_updates": true, "publish_address": "tcp://" } }, "name": "", "description": "", "sleap_version": "1.3.1", "filename": 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"multi_class_topdown": null }, "base_checkpoint": null }, "optimization": { "preload_data": true, "augmentation_config": { "rotate": true, "rotation_min_angle": -180.0, "rotation_max_angle": 180.0, "translate": false, "translate_min": -5, "translate_max": 5, "scale": false, "scale_min": 0.9, "scale_max": 1.1, "uniform_noise": false, "uniform_noise_min_val": 0.0, "uniform_noise_max_val": 10.0, "gaussian_noise": false, "gaussian_noise_mean": 5.0, "gaussian_noise_stddev": 1.0, "contrast": false, "contrast_min_gamma": 0.5, "contrast_max_gamma": 2.0, "brightness": false, "brightness_min_val": 0.0, "brightness_max_val": 10.0, "random_crop": false, "random_crop_height": 256, "random_crop_width": 256, "random_flip": false, "flip_horizontal": false }, "online_shuffling": true, "shuffle_buffer_size": 128, "prefetch": true, "batch_size": 4, "batches_per_epoch": 200, "min_batches_per_epoch": 200, "val_batches_per_epoch": 10, "min_val_batches_per_epoch": 10, "epochs": 2, "optimizer": "adam", 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false, "loss_frequency": "epoch", "architecture_graph": false, "profile_graph": false, "visualizations": true }, "zmq": { "subscribe_to_controller": true, "controller_address": "tcp://", "controller_polling_timeout": 10, "publish_updates": true, "publish_address": "tcp://" } }, "name": "", "description": "", "sleap_version": "1.3.1", "filename": "D:\\social-leap-estimates-animal-poses\\datasets\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\drosophila-melanogaster-courtship\\models\\230621_163457.centered_instance.n=101\\training_config.json" } ```