talonframework / talon

An app builder framework for Phoenix
MIT License
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Add support for Turbolinks #23

Open dsnider opened 7 years ago

dsnider commented 7 years ago

Rationale - near SPA performance with relatively little effort.

Others that agree:

See how fast Changelog is with Turbolinks: https://changelog.com

Turbolinks for Phoenix libs:

Related - worth looking at/considering:




tmbb commented 7 years ago

While turbinks seems to bring performance for free, reading their issues log is a little scary. It seems that tutbolinks is messing with THINGS THAT WEBDEV MUST NOT MESS WITH.

On the other hand, as long as it is used in admin pages obly I don't think it's very dangerous. After all, there won't be that much javascript around in what's supposed to be mostly CRUD forms.

It's after all as simple as including a script and call a single function, so it's easy to make opt-out.

tmbb commented 7 years ago

On further thought: @smpallen99 said talon was meant to be used for general UI development. In they case (turbinks used in a less controlled environment, possibly more complex than an admin interface), I'm very afraid of using turbolinks. Please make it very easy to opt out.

smpallen99 commented 7 years ago

Turbo links will be opt in.

hwinkel commented 6 years ago

what about http://unpoly.com may combined with drab seen as options in the forum https://elixirforum.com/t/front-end-development-options-2017/3832/22