talonos2 / BlightfallTracker

Just a way to test the issue tracking functionality of GitHub, because I'm sick of wrestling with Bug-Genie
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Wild variability in Dawn Machine process times #115

Open LordQ42 opened 9 years ago

LordQ42 commented 9 years ago

I have a dawn machine, with all the attached bells and whistles (two warded jars of each of the ten essentia and a resonant energy cell) all located on an archimedes ship. I have found massively variable times in how long it takes to cleanse an entire sector (~128^2 m) with some times it running so fast I can't keep it fed with all teh essentia fast enough, and some times it taking around an hour.

HanabiraAsashi commented 8 years ago

I noticed this too, sometimes i'll load up all of the jars and it'll clean a 128^2 plot in seconds, and sometimes with all of the same stuff, it takes 10-20 minutes. I couldnt figure out what i was doing wrong. Also, sometimes i'll fill up jars and then move the ship it is placed on, and then instantly the amounts of essentia will change, most of it will have completely disappeared.

arongamer commented 8 years ago

know that cleaning land covered with crusted taint will take much longer to clean than ocean: in the ocean spot's can't be reinfected and the dawn machine takes 2 turns to clean tainted soil if you have no ignis. Furthermore it goes slower if it has to clean a spot on which there is also taint under the surface, like in caves and mineshafts...