talonvoice / beta

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record.py prints stack trace after mode switch + mimic #105

Closed lslunis closed 4 years ago

lslunis commented 4 years ago
not mode: sleep
    speech.record_all = 1
mode: all
dollar test:

If I enter dictation mode and say "dollar test", it types $ as expected, but I also get this stack trace:

2020-08-27 15:50:30 ERROR cb error topic="post:phrase" cb=<function post_phrase at 0x000000000B1DECA8>
   33:            <stdlib>/threading.py:890|
   32:            <stdlib>/threading.py:926|
   31:            <stdlib>/threading.py:870|
   30:                    talon\cron.py:112|
   29: ------------------------------------# cron thread
   28:                    talon\cron.py:77 |
   27:          talon\scripting\rctx.py:199|
   26: ------------------------------------# 'cron' main:<lambda>()
   25:                     talon\vad.py:16 |
   24:             talon\engines\w2l.py:742|
   23:      talon\scripting\dispatch.py:98 |
   22:      talon\scripting\dispatch.py:133|
   21:      talon\scripting\dispatch.py:124|
   20:          talon\scripting\rctx.py:199|
   19: ------------------------------------# 'phrase' user.engines:_redispatch()
   18: talon\scripting\speech_system.py:41 |
   17:      talon\scripting\dispatch.py:98 |
   16:      talon\scripting\dispatch.py:133|
   15:      talon\scripting\dispatch.py:124|
   14:          talon\scripting\rctx.py:199|
   13: ------------------------------------# 'phrase' user.engines:engine_event()
   12: talon\scripting\speech_system.py:302|
   11:           <stdlib>/contextlib.py:119|
   10:      talon\scripting\dispatch.py:141|
    9:      talon\scripting\dispatch.py:114|
    8:          talon\scripting\rctx.py:201|
    7: ------------------------------------# 'post:phrase' talon_plugins.record:post_phrase()
    6: ------------------------------------# stack splice
    5:          talon\scripting\rctx.py:199|
    4:          talon_plugins\record.py:19 | actions.speech.record_flac()
    3:       talon\scripting\actions.py:56 |
    2:         talon\scripting\types.py:304|
    1:          talon_plugins\record.py:43 | words = ' '.join(getattr(current_phrase.get('parsed'), '_unmapped', current_phrase['phrase'])).strip()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
lunixbochs commented 4 years ago

should be fixed in 1467, please confirm

lslunis commented 4 years ago

Now seeing a syntax error all the time: #107

lslunis commented 4 years ago

Confirmed in 1469