talonvoice / talon

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textarea TODO #254

Open lunixbochs opened 3 years ago

lunixbochs commented 3 years ago



splondike commented 3 years ago

Some potential UX improvements:

lunixbochs commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I skipped triple click for now because there's no native support for it in Qt, so I'm going to add it to my Canvas layer before it ends up in TextArea.

rntz commented 3 years ago

The behavior of undo in text areas is character-by-character, which makes undoing any significant amount of work very tedious.

knausj85 commented 3 years ago

This user.paste function: https://github.com/knausj85/knausj_talon/blob/master/code/edit.py#L21

simply doesn't work on Mac when the draft window has focus. The previous contents of the clipboard appears, no matter how large the delay.

simple test case:

stupid test: user.paste("WHATEVER")
timo commented 3 years ago
splondike commented 3 years ago
nriley commented 3 years ago

I wasn't able to reproduce the issue in https://github.com/talonvoice/talon/issues/254#issuecomment-789355238.

Is there any thought about using normal window chrome so you'd get OS behavior (e.g. resizing, standard indication of focus) or does it make more sense to continue to implement these individually?

SCdF commented 3 years ago

In case not many people use windows draft submit doesn't work correctly, missing the first piece of text, presumably due to a timeout issue.

If I try to submit the sentence above (into this window), draft submit doesn't paste the "In case".