talonvoice / talon

Issue Tracker for the main Talon app
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feature request: remove/unregister/not-register commands #310

Closed gpunktschmitz closed 3 years ago

gpunktschmitz commented 3 years ago

it would be great to have a feature (like a file "talon.dont") that would prevent every .talon file from registering the command/word specified.

why this would benefit me personally but also every other user: i want to keep using the knausj-repo but also would like to disable some commands. one solution would be to remove those commands/.talon-files but that would not make it update-friendly. having "~/.talon/user/talon.dont" with the context "righty" should prevent any .talon-file from registering the command "righty"

lunixbochs commented 3 years ago

As a hack, this will probably work for any global commands:

os: mac
os: windows
os: linux
righty: skip()

I'm unlikely to support what you're asking, it's an anti-pattern to the long-term design of Talon. I'm against adding more global concepts that need to be understood to know which commands are defined and active. I generally expect you to be in full control of your user/ directory, so adding one file to user/ that disables another file in user/ is redundant and confusing with that in mind.

There's a recent discussion about this on Slack. https://talonvoice.slack.com/archives/C7ENXA7C4/p1621356861079600

As an alternative, you can likely delete an entire .talon file from git on your end, commit the removal of the file, then copy whatever parts of the file you want to a new file, and modify that file as you like. This will effectively replace the file in your repo without causing conflicts on merge.