talsec / Free-RASP-Cordova

Cordova plugin for improving app security and threat monitoring on Android and iOS mobile devices.
MIT License
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Cordova: Not able to find the threats in the release sign build #26

Open nyayadhish20 opened 3 weeks ago

nyayadhish20 commented 3 weeks ago

I am using telsec freeRASP Cordova plugin lib: 5.4.0.

The issue I am facing is that in the development environment, I can get the callback for the Threats that Telsec finds. But when I make a signed APK it does not give any callback for success or failure.

Cordova-android version: 12.0.1

Feel free to let me know if you need more information from me.


tompsota commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @nyayadhish20,

Can you write down which callbacks are you expecting to receive in production build?

When going from dev to prod build, it is expected that some callbacks won't get triggered on secure devices (for example debug callback will usually be triggered in dev build, but not in prod build)

Best, Tomas from Talsec

nyayadhish20 commented 3 weeks ago

@tompsota Thanks for your reply.

I am looking for the callbacks for debug, privilegedAccess, appIntegrity, and hooks.

I understand that on secure devices privilegedAccess, appIntegrity and hooks will not get triggered, but debug should get triggered if USB debugging is turned on and the device is connected to adb in prod build.

I have also tested on an unsecured device, and none of the callbacks are getting triggered on the prod build.

Regards, Nikhil

msikyna commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @nyayadhish20 ,

could you also try that with the example application included in the repository?

Kind regards, Talsec team

Adityakhandelwal021 commented 1 week ago

Hello i successfully install the plugin after and add config and action sucessfully but when i create signed debug apk and install it into my phone and inspect the application using usb and chrome dev tool i get an error : - ReferenceError: TalsecPlugin is not defined so please tell me how can i import plugin in my component