talsec / Free-RASP-Cordova

Cordova plugin for improving app security and threat monitoring on Android and iOS mobile devices.
MIT License
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Ionic cordova angular import issue #27

Open Adityakhandelwal021 opened 3 weeks ago

Adityakhandelwal021 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello i successfully install the plugin after and add config and action sucessfully but when i create signed debug apk and install it into my phone and inspect the application using usb and chrome dev tool i get an error : - ReferenceError: TalsecPlugin is not defined so please tell me how can i import plugin in my component

tompsota commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @Adityakhandelwal021,

The signed debug apk of our demo app works as expected, so the problem may be on the angular side.

To assist you better with the issue you're encountering, could you please provide a minimal reproducible example? This will help us understand the problem more clearly.

Thanks, Tomas from Talsec

codehack26 commented 23 hours ago

@Adityakhandelwal021 After installing the plugin add the below code at the end of imports

declare var talsec: any;

@tompsota You can close this issue.