Closed privaterepo2021 closed 1 year ago
Hello @privaterepo2021 ,
the supportedAlternativeStores accepts a package name of the application, which installs your app. If you are downloading the APK from App Center, it might be installed by Android package installer. Try to include the or However, this will allow installing your APK directly even not from App Center, therefore do not use it later in production. Let us know, if it helped.
Kind regards, Matúš, Talsec developer
Hi @msikyna, thank you for the quick response. I had tried out the solution and it works.
Hi @msikyna, I just checked that actually the plugin did not show unofficial store threat because the plugin has fail to init.
This is my configuration:
"tlacConfig": { "androidConfig" : { "packageName" : "com.eb.sps", "certificateHash" : "2ZYTL+Z2gGVzO1QZ2VcMZ1GT1pebaNKFFoE+LVJd0AI=", "supportedAlternativeStores": [ "", "" ] }, "iosConfig" : { "appBundleIds": "com.eb.sps", "appTeamId": "BLT26AAEG2" }, "watcherMail" : null }
This is from the debugger:
D/PluginManager: getPlugin - put: TalsecPlugin W/CordovaPlugin: Attempted to send a second callback for ID: TalsecPlugin451479080 Result was: "Invalid action"
Hello @privaterepo2021,
this is happening because your config is nested under tlacConfig
key and therefore freeRASP is not able to parse it correctly.
A valid config would look like this:
var config = {
androidConfig : {
packageName : "com.eb.sps",
certificateHash : "2ZYTL+Z2gGVzO1QZ2VcMZ1GT1pebaNKFFoE+LVJd0AI=",
supportedAlternativeStores : [
iosConfig : {
appBundleIds : "com.eb.sps",
appTeamId : "BLT26AAEG2"
watcherMail : null
Try to pass object with this structure into talsec.start
and let us know if that helped.
(Also don't forget to update the watcherMail
;) )
Best, Tomas, Talsec developer
Hi @tompsota, I had check the plugin code, looks like supportedAlternativeStores is not supported for the current master branch of this plugin? I notice that the config value is null for supportedAlternativeStores.
private fun parseTalsecConfigThrowing(configJson: String): TalsecConfig {
val json = JSONObject(configJson)
val androidConfig = json.getJSONObject("androidConfig")
val packageName = androidConfig.getString("packageName")
val certificateHash = androidConfig.getString("certificateHash")
val watcherMail = json.getString("watcherMail")
val alternativeStores = mutableListOf<String>()
if (androidConfig.has("supportedAlternativeStores")) {
val stores = androidConfig.getJSONArray("supportedAlternativeStores")
for (i in 0 .. stores.length()) {
return TalsecConfig(packageName, certificateHash, watcherMail, null)
this is my function
var config = {
"androidConfig" : {
"packageName" : "com.eb.sps",
"certificateHash" : "2ZYTL+Z2gGVzO1QZ2VcMZ1GT1pebaNKFFoE+LVJd0AI=",
"supportedAlternativeStores": [
"iosConfig" : {
"appBundleIds": "com.eb.sps",
"appTeamId": "BLT26AAEG2"
"watcherMail" : ""
}; //serverConfig["tlacConfig"];
var threatListener = (threatType)=>{
this.logService.log("threat", threatType);
switch(threatType) {
case "privilegedAccess": // Android & iOS
let isEnableEmulator = serverConfig["isEnableEmulator"];
if(window.device.isVirtual) {
if(!isEnableEmulator) {
case "debug": // Android & iOS
case "simulator": // Android & iOS
case "appIntegrity": // Android & iOS
case "unofficialStore": // Android & iOS
case "hooks": // Android & iOS
case "device binding": // Android & iOS
case "deviceID": // iOS only
case "missingSecureEnclave": // iOS only
case "passcodeChange": // iOS only
case "passcode": // iOS only
console.log('Unknown threat type detected: ' + threatType);
window.talsec.start(config, threatListener).then(() => {
this.logService.log('Talsec initialized.');
}).catch((error) => {
this.logService.log('Error during Talsec initialization: ', error);
// this.showRootEmulatorErrorMessage();
I had try with your suggestion but still hit the same error. If I removed the supportedAlternativeStores array list then it can work.
Hi @privaterepo2021 ,
you are right, there was a slight bug in the master branch regarding the supportedAlternativeStores.. it will be fixed in a moment, as today, we are releasing a v2.0.0.
There will be one more API change, certificateHash is now certificateHashes : ["your_signing_certificate_hash_base64"]; see the array, it now supports more certificate hashes.
Hi @msikyna, I will test it out with the new version of the plugin. Thanks, have a great day 👍
Hi @msikyna @tompsota , I still got the error after upgrading to the latest 2.0.0 version. Is there anything I miss out?
W/CordovaPlugin: Attempted to send a second callback for ID: TalsecPlugin1771000586
Result was: "Invalid action"
D/PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: DeleteLaunchScreenCache
I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Error during Talsec initialization: ", source: file:///android_asset/www/static/js/main.840d2e30.js (1)
This is my function
var config = {
"androidConfig" : {
"packageName" : "com.eb.sps",
"certificateHash" : ["2ZYTi+Z2PGVzO1QZcVcMZ1GTmpebaNKFFoE+LVJd0AI="],
"supportedAlternativeStores": [
"iosConfig" : {
"appBundleIds": "com.eb.sps",
"appTeamId": "BLT26AAEG2"
"watcherMail" : ""
}; //serverConfig["tlacConfig"];
var threatListener = (threatType)=>{
this.logService.log("threat", threatType);
switch(threatType) {
case "privilegedAccess": // Android & iOS
let isEnableEmulator = serverConfig["isEnableEmulator"];
if(window.device.isVirtual) {
if(!isEnableEmulator) {
case "debug": // Android & iOS
case "simulator": // Android & iOS
case "appIntegrity": // Android & iOS
case "unofficialStore": // Android & iOS
case "hooks": // Android & iOS
case "device binding": // Android & iOS
case "deviceID": // iOS only
case "missingSecureEnclave": // iOS only
case "passcodeChange": // iOS only
case "passcode": // iOS only
console.log('Unknown threat type detected: ' + threatType);
window.talsec.start(config, threatListener).then(() => {
this.logService.log('Talsec initialized.');
}).catch((error) => {
this.logService.log('Error during Talsec initialization: ', error);
// this.showRootEmulatorErrorMessage();
I using
"@angular/core": "11.0.2" "cordova-android": "11.0.0" "cordova-ios": "6.2.0"
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<feature name="SocialSharing">
<param name="android-package" value="nl.xservices.plugins.SocialSharing" />
<edit-config file="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application/activity[@android:name='MainActivity']">
<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" />
<edit-config file="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application/service[@android:name='com.adobe.phonegap.push.FCMService']">
<service android:exported="true" />
<edit-config file="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application/service[@android:name='com.adobe.phonegap.push.PushInstanceIDListenerService']">
<service android:exported="true" />
<edit-config file="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application">
<application android:allowBackup="false" />
<edit-config file="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application" xmlns:android="">
<application android:preserveLegacyExternalStorage="true" />
<application android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" />
<preference name="CodePushDeploymentKey" value="3gv8CBCU9EIGRLWe6zsa-Fi86wrmmleURMuvlx" />
<preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" />
<preference name="signatureHash" value="D996138BE6763C65733B541971570C6751939A979B68D28516813E2D525DD002" />
<preference name="googleSignatureHash" value="F555229C2CECF68E8F29A76795E0B794F8B86E040B0FC738716B260A85CE9644" />
<preference name="releaseSignatureHash" value="D996138BE6763C65733B541971570C6751939A979B68D28516813E2D525DD002" />
<resource-file src="google-services.json" target="app/google-services.json" />
<hook src="hooks/after_platform_add.js" type="after_platform_add" />
<preference name="GradlePluginKotlinEnabled" value="true" />
<preference name="GradlePluginKotlinCodeStyle" value="official" />
<preference name="GradlePluginKotlinVersion" value="1.7.10" />
@privaterepo2021 There was a breaking change in the API in v2.0.0, please change certificateHash
to certificateHashes
in your config.
Hi @tompsota thanks for pointing out the mistake, it works now 👍
Hi @tompsota , are we able to add supportedAlternativeStores for ios config? Seems like IOS is also hitting unofficial store threat if I build Ipa from xcode
Hello @privaterepo2021 , the iOS only supports an official way (AppStore or TestFlight) of installing the application. Building an IPA from Xcode correctly hits the unofficial store threat.
Kind regards, Matúš, Talsec developer
Is there a way to add Visual Studio App Center to the supportedAlternativeStores array list?