taltamir / ttpack

A collection of KoL scripts by taltamir
MIT License
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Option to use a preset familiar #11

Closed Aeresx closed 4 years ago

Aeresx commented 4 years ago

Add a switch to not use the autoscend familiar switching and just the one that is present. I rather use my puckman to farm powerpills than auto logic switching to hand turky

taltamir commented 4 years ago

change made. there is a new setting called guzzlr_autoFamiliar and it will only switch familiars if it is set to true (default value is true). set it to false and it will instead leave your familiar alone. you will need to set familiar ahead of time.

taltamir commented 4 years ago

more changes. guzzlr_manualFamiliar can be set to true if you want to manually specify a familiar name to switch to. guzzlr_manualFamiliarChoice is where you set the name of the familiar