tamagui / tamagui

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Tamagui class font weights broken when upgrading to Expo 51 #2638

Closed anthonyn60 closed 3 weeks ago

anthonyn60 commented 3 weeks ago

Current Behavior

Font weights from built in header (i.e. H1, H2) and button text class styles no longer apply.

There was an Expo font issue I opened for the SDK related to icons but the icon part has been fixed: https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/28693

Expected Behavior

The bold font weights apply

Tamagui Version


Platform (Web, iOS, Android)



I'm working on a reproduction- I can't get to Expo 51 from the starter repro due to https://github.com/tamagui/tamagui/issues/2637

But essentially I upgrade my repo from Expo SDK 50 to 51 and the font weights are all gone.

System Info

npx envinfo --system --npmPackages --binaries --browsers

> packmule-mobile@0.2.0 npx
> envinfo --system --npmPackages --binaries --browsers

    OS: macOS 14.4.1
    CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M1 Pro
    Memory: 190.00 MB / 16.00 GB
    Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
    Node: 21.6.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v21.6.1/bin/node
    Yarn: 4.0.2 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v21.6.1/bin/yarn
    npm: 8.19.4 - ~/(redacted)
    bun: 1.0.30 - ~/.bun/bin/bun
    Watchman: 2024.01.22.00 - /opt/homebrew/bin/watchman
    Chrome: 124.0.6367.158
    Safari: 17.4.1
    @babel/core: ^7.24.0 => 7.24.5 
    @google/semantic-release-replace-plugin: 1.1.0 => 1.1.0 
    @graphql-codegen/cli: ^5.0.0 => 5.0.0 
    @graphql-codegen/introspection: ^4.0.0 => 4.0.0 
    @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations: ^4.0.1 => 4.0.1 
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    @sentry/react-native: ~5.22.0 => 5.22.2 
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    @tamagui/babel-plugin: ^1.97.1 => 1.97.1 
    @tamagui/config: ^1.97.1 => 1.97.1 
    @tamagui/font-inter: ^1.97.1 => 1.97.1 
    @tamagui/lucide-icons: ^1.97.1 => 1.97.1 
    @tamagui/themes: ^1.97.1 => 1.97.1 
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    @typescript-eslint/parser: ^5.49.0 => 5.62.0 
    axios: ^1.6.2 => 1.6.5 
    babel-plugin-module-resolver: ^5.0.0 => 5.0.0 
    babel-plugin-transform-inline-environment-variables: ^0.4.4 => 0.4.4 
    burnt: ^0.12.2 => 0.12.2 
    conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits: 5.0.0 => 5.0.0 
    eslint: ^8.21.0 => 8.56.0 
    eslint-config-prettier: ^8.6.0 => 8.10.0 
    eslint-plugin-prettier: ^4.2.1 => 4.2.1 
    eslint-plugin-react: ^7.32.1 => 7.33.2 
    eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort: ^10.0.0 => 10.0.0 
    expo: 51.0.2 => 51.0.2 
    expo-build-properties: ~0.12.1 => 0.12.1 
    expo-camera: ~15.0.6 => 15.0.6 
    expo-constants: ~16.0.1 => 16.0.1 
    expo-doctor: ^1.5.0 => 1.5.0 
    expo-font: ~12.0.5 => 12.0.5 
    expo-linear-gradient: ~13.0.2 => 13.0.2 
    expo-linking: ~6.3.1 => 6.3.1 
    expo-router: ~3.5.11 => 3.5.11 
    expo-secure-store: ~13.0.1 => 13.0.1 
    expo-splash-screen: ~0.27.4 => 0.27.4 
    expo-status-bar: ~1.12.1 => 1.12.1 
    expo-system-ui: ~3.0.4 => 3.0.4 
    expo-updates: ~0.25.11 => 0.25.11 
    graphql: ^16.8.1 => 16.8.1 
    prettier: ^2.8.3 => 2.8.8 
    react: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0 
    react-dom: ^18.2.0 => 18.2.0 
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    react-native-safe-area-context: 4.10.1 => 4.10.1 
    react-native-screens: 3.31.1 => 3.31.1 
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    tamagui: ^1.97.1 => 1.97.1 
    typescript: ^5.3.2 => 5.3.3 
    zod: ^3.22.4 => 3.22.4
anthonyn60 commented 3 weeks ago

Nevermind, seems like an Expo Go problem since when I use the development build the fonts work totally fine