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Group and FlatList #2700

Open giacomocerquone opened 1 month ago

giacomocerquone commented 1 month ago

Current Behavior

Right now, I'd expect to have the same behaviour when using groups with or without FlatList. Let's have a look.

Standard Group usage produce the following UI:


This is the code:

<YGroup separator={<Separator />}>
    <ListItem title="First" />
    <ListItem title="Second" subTitle="Second subtitle" />

FlatList Group usage produces the following UI:


This is the code

<YGroup separator={<Separator />}>
      data={[1, 2, 3]}
      renderItem={(item) => {
        return (
            <ListItem title={item.toString()} subTitle="Second subtitle" />

Clearly the problem lies in some additional wrapper flatlists puts there. If this is a limitation or I need to usee some advanced tamagui stuff, better write it in the documentation probably.

Expected Behavior

The two snippets should behave the same.

Tamagui Version


Platform (Web, iOS, Android)



<YGroup separator={<Separator />}>
      data={[1, 2, 3]}
      renderItem={(item) => {
        return (
            <ListItem title={item.toString()} subTitle="Second subtitle" />

System Info

    OS: macOS 14.5
    CPU: (11) arm64 Apple M3 Pro
    Memory: 80.41 MB / 18.00 GB
    Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 20.11.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.11.1/bin/node
    Yarn: 1.22.22 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.11.1/bin/yarn
    npm: 10.2.4 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.11.1/bin/npm
    pnpm: 9.0.5 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.11.1/bin/pnpm
    Watchman: 2024.01.15.00 - /opt/homebrew/bin/watchman
    Chrome: 120.0.6099.216
    Safari: 17.5
    @babel/core: ^7.20.0 => 7.24.6 
    @expo/vector-icons: ^14.0.0 => 14.0.2 
    @react-navigation/native: ^6.0.2 => 6.1.17 
    @tamagui/config: ^1.99.1 => 1.99.1 
    @tamagui/lucide-icons: ^1.99.1 => 1.99.1 
    @tanstack/react-query: ^5.40.0 => 5.40.0 
    @types/jest: ^29.5.12 => 29.5.12 
    @types/react: ~18.2.45 => 18.2.79 
    @types/react-test-renderer: ^18.0.7 => 18.3.0 
    axios: ^1.7.2 => 1.7.2 
    expo: ~51.0.9 => 51.0.9 
    expo-auth-session: ~5.5.2 => 5.5.2 
    expo-constants: ~16.0.2 => 16.0.2 
    expo-crypto: ~13.0.2 => 13.0.2 
    expo-font: ~12.0.6 => 12.0.6 
    expo-linking: ~6.3.1 => 6.3.1 
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    expo-web-browser: ~13.0.3 => 13.0.3 
    jest: ^29.2.1 => 29.7.0 
    jest-expo: ~51.0.1 => 51.0.2 
    react: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0 
    react-dom: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0 
    react-native: 0.74.1 => 0.74.1 
    react-native-gesture-handler: ~2.16.1 => 2.16.2 
    react-native-reanimated: ~3.10.1 => 3.10.1 
    react-native-safe-area-context: 4.10.1 => 4.10.1 
    react-native-screens: 3.31.1 => 3.31.1 
    react-native-svg: ^15.3.0 => 15.3.0 
    react-native-web: ~0.19.10 => 0.19.12 
    react-test-renderer: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0 
    tamagui: ^1.99.1 => 1.99.1 
    typescript: ~5.3.3 => 5.3.3
giacomocerquone commented 1 month ago

Even though I don't get the following error: <Group.Item/> should only be used within a <Group/>, which means the group.item component correctly see the group component as a relative parent, it seems like reforest, which is the library you're using to keep track of the rendered tree in order to apply the due modifications to the items style, leads the isFirst and isLast here: https://github.com/tamagui/tamagui/blob/master/packages/group/src/Group.tsx#L246-L250 to be always true.

Furthermore, I've discovered there is a scrollable prop on the Group component which should be documented and that I could use but wouldn't want to because of the lower level optimization I should perform compared to the flatlist