tamakiii-sandbox / try-next-javascript

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try eject (create-react-app) #9

Open tamakiii opened 6 years ago

tamakiii commented 6 years ago
~/Sites/tamakiii/try-next-javascript/create-react-app create-react-app--fix
❯ npm run eject

> create-react-app@0.1.0 eject /Users/tamakiii/Sites/tamakiii/try-next-javascript/create-react-app
> react-scripts-ts eject

? Are you sure you want to eject? This action is permanent. Yes

Copying files into /Users/tamakiii/Sites/tamakiii/try-next-javascript/create-react-app
  Adding /config/env.js to the project
  Adding /config/paths.js to the project
  Adding /config/polyfills.js to the project
  Adding /config/webpack.config.dev.js to the project
  Adding /config/webpack.config.prod.js to the project
  Adding /config/webpackDevServer.config.js to the project
  Adding /config/jest/cssTransform.js to the project
  Adding /config/jest/fileTransform.js to the project
  Adding /config/jest/typescriptTransform.js to the project
  Adding /scripts/build.js to the project
  Adding /scripts/start.js to the project
  Adding /scripts/test.js to the project

Updating the dependencies
  Removing react-scripts-ts from dependencies
  Adding autoprefixer to dependencies
  Adding babel-jest to dependencies
  Adding babel-loader to dependencies
  Adding babel-preset-react-app to dependencies
  Adding case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  Adding chalk to dependencies
  Adding css-loader to dependencies
  Adding dotenv to dependencies
  Adding dotenv-expand to dependencies
  Adding extract-text-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  Adding file-loader to dependencies
  Adding fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  Adding fs-extra to dependencies
  Adding html-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  Adding jest to dependencies
  Adding object-assign to dependencies
  Adding postcss-flexbugs-fixes to dependencies
  Adding postcss-loader to dependencies
  Adding promise to dependencies
  Adding raf to dependencies
  Adding react-dev-utils to dependencies
  Adding resolve to dependencies
  Adding source-map-loader to dependencies
  Adding style-loader to dependencies
  Adding sw-precache-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  Adding ts-jest to dependencies
  Adding ts-loader to dependencies
  Adding tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  Adding tslint to dependencies
  Adding tslint-config-prettier to dependencies
  Adding tslint-react to dependencies
  Adding uglifyjs-webpack-plugin to dependencies
  Adding url-loader to dependencies
  Adding webpack to dependencies
  Adding webpack-dev-server to dependencies
  Adding webpack-manifest-plugin to dependencies
  Adding whatwg-fetch to dependencies

Updating the scripts
  Replacing "react-scripts-ts start" with "node scripts/start.js"
  Replacing "react-scripts-ts build" with "node scripts/build.js"
  Replacing "react-scripts-ts test" with "node scripts/test.js"

Configuring package.json
  Adding Jest configuration
  Adding Babel preset
  Adding ESLint configuration

Running npm install...
added 1 package, removed 3 packages and updated 2 packages in 10.237s
Ejected successfully!

Please consider sharing why you ejected in this survey:
tamakiii commented 6 years ago
~/Sites/tamakiii/try-next-javascript/create-react-app create-react-app--fix*
❯ git status
On branch create-react-app--fix
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

        new file:   config/env.js
        new file:   config/jest/cssTransform.js
        new file:   config/jest/fileTransform.js
        new file:   config/jest/typescriptTransform.js
        new file:   config/paths.js
        new file:   config/polyfills.js
        new file:   config/webpack.config.dev.js
        new file:   config/webpack.config.prod.js
        new file:   config/webpackDevServer.config.js
        modified:   package-lock.json
        modified:   package.json
        new file:   scripts/build.js
        new file:   scripts/start.js
        new file:   scripts/test.js