tamakiii / zenn.dev

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gnu-make-personal-recommendations-for-rule-naming #7

Open tamakiii opened 1 year ago

tamakiii commented 1 year ago


job and order

tamakiii commented 1 year ago

Normally the opposite of a set-up is a tear-down.


tamakiii commented 1 year ago

Un is a prefix when placed in front of some nouns, adverbs, participles and adjectives means; "not", "the opposite to" and "contrary to" Unhappy = not happy; uncertain = not certain; unlucky = not lucky; unhelpful = not helpful etc. Unsetup (if it existed)= not setup. Which is nonsensical, if you think about it. To setup means

the act or process of installing (computer software or hardware)

Once a computer programme is setup it cannot revert to not setup The programme can be on or off, it can be working or broken but you cannot create the opposite of the noun, setup, by adding the prefix, un. You need a different word.
