Daily Team-meetups at 4 pm (share progress of previous day, define plans for the day)
Weekly Repo-cleanup (Fridays)
work in GoogleDoc file for information exchange
update Organisation-Markdown file regularly with info from GDoc
create separate MD files for Research,... etc...
name new branches as "name-purpose"
delete branches after merging or latest when its specified purpose is fulfilled
Presentation with Google Slides
Leonardo: train with machine learning algorithms, EDA, learn image recognition, have a nice repository to use at the end and a project to show
Valentin: learn to handle TensorFlow, nice and clean repository at the end, feel like at the end we tried many things/do a lot of different things with images, rather try different models than training one the whole time
Dennis: learn to use neural networks, better understanding of their architecture, try some preprocessing steps
Tamara: improve coding style, work with TensorFlow, EDA, learn how to handle image data for EDA and modelling