tamasfe / taplo

A TOML toolkit written in Rust
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Language server error: taplo #691

Closed albas99 closed 2 weeks ago

albas99 commented 4 weeks ago

I'm using the Zed code editor and lately I've been seeing this error in my bottom panel anytime I open Zed Language server error: taplo and when I open it I see the following message

Language server error: taplo

status error 403, response: "{\"message\":\"API rate limit exceeded for {my_ip_address}. (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)\",\"documentation_url\":\"https://docs.github.com/rest/overview/resources-in-the-rest-api#rate-limiting\"}\n"
-- stderr--

My question is what does taplo does in my editor and why am I getting a rate limit error because of it?

panekj commented 4 weeks ago


Taplo LSP is same thing as CLI except it provides the functionality to the editor

albas99 commented 4 weeks ago

Okay, I get that, but that still doesn't explain why I'm getting rate limit errors. Is it sending some kind of request to github from the backend that's causing the rate limiting?

panekj commented 4 weeks ago

A lot of schemas available from https://www.schemastore.org/ are hosted on GitHub which can trigger rate-limits