tamatebako / tebako

Tebako: an executable packager (for Ruby programs)
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Modularity and support for a second language (discussion) #142

Open maxirmx opened 6 months ago

maxirmx commented 6 months ago

Current state of modularity

Existing tebako packager includes two compore modularity


libdwarfs is a library that provides our implementation of IO functions used by Ruby. This implementation reroutes calls to memfs or host filesystem.

libdwarfs uses upstream dwars project. dwarfs provides filesystem driver API and libdwarfs implements application API atop. 'application API' is a subset of Posix API plus some OS-specific functions used by Ruby as mentioned above.

Reusability and extendability statement is correct for Liinux (gnu, musl) and MacOS implementation of tebako. Windows version of Ruby implements its own Posix compatibility layer so Windows version of libdwarfs includes a module that implements our version of Ruby Posix compatibility layer.


Existing tebako component implements Ruby code patching and drives tebako pac are skage builds and rebuilds Ruby patching is required to meet two objectives

Tebako itself is

maxirmx commented 6 months ago

Suggestions re support of other language (say, Julia)



maxirmx commented 6 months ago

Support of additional Ruby version

Supporting of additional Ruby version means two tasks:

It would be nice to do patching more modular but I do not see how to achieve it.

maxirmx commented 6 months ago

Support of additional platform (like FreeBSD)

Supporting of additional Ruby version means two tasks:

It would be nice to do patching more modular but I do not see how to achieve it.

ronaldtse commented 6 months ago

Separately package individual runtimes

An "individual runtime" here is an interpreter for a particular language at a particular version. e.g. Ruby 3.1, Ruby 3.2, Julia 1.10, Julia 1.09.


ronaldtse commented 2 months ago

To extend Tebako to support other language runtimes like Julia, we need to make several modifications to the existing system. Here's a high-level approach to achieve this:

  1. Generalize the runtime management system
  2. Create language-specific builders and patchers
  3. Update the packaging and execution processes
  4. Modify the configuration files

Let's go through these steps:

  1. Generalize the runtime management system:
module Tebako
  class RuntimeRepository
    def initialize(path)
      @path = path
      @metadata = {}

    def add_runtime(language, version, os, arch, file_path)
      runtime_key = "#{language}-#{version}-#{os}-#{arch}"
      # ... (similar to previous implementation)

    def get_runtime(language, version, os, arch)
      runtime_key = "#{language}-#{version}-#{os}-#{arch}"
      # ... (similar to previous implementation)

    # ... (other methods)

  class RuntimeBuilder
    def initialize(repository)
      @repository = repository

    def build_runtime(language, version, os, arch)
      builder = get_language_specific_builder(language)
      builder.build(version, os, arch)


    def get_language_specific_builder(language)
      case language
      when 'ruby'
      when 'julia'
        raise "Unsupported language: #{language}"

  class RuntimeManager
    def initialize(local_repo_path, remote_repo_url = nil)
      @local_repo = RuntimeRepository.new(local_repo_path)
      @remote_repo_url = remote_repo_url

    def ensure_runtime(language, version, os, arch)
      runtime_path = @local_repo.get_runtime(language, version, os, arch)
      return runtime_path if runtime_path

      if @remote_repo_url
        download_runtime(language, version, os, arch)
        build_runtime(language, version, os, arch)

    # ... (other methods)
  1. Create language-specific builders and patchers:
module Tebako
  class RubyRuntimeBuilder
    def initialize(repository)
      @repository = repository

    def build(version, os, arch)
      # ... (existing Ruby build process)


    def apply_tebako_patches(version)
      # ... (Ruby-specific patches)

  class JuliaRuntimeBuilder
    def initialize(repository)
      @repository = repository

    def build(version, os, arch)
      puts "Building Julia #{version} for #{os} (#{arch})..."

      # Clone Julia source
      system("git clone https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia.git -b v#{version} julia-#{version}")

      # Apply Tebako patches

      # Build Julia
      Dir.chdir("julia-#{version}") do
        system("make -j#{Etc.nprocessors}")
        system("make install prefix=#{Dir.pwd}/install")

      # Package the built Julia
      output_file = "julia-#{version}-#{os}-#{arch}.tar.gz"
      system("tar -czf #{output_file} -C julia-#{version}/install .")

      # Add to repository
      @repository.add_runtime('julia', version, os, arch, output_file)

      puts "Julia #{version} for #{os} (#{arch}) built and added to repository."


    def apply_tebako_patches(version)
      # Apply necessary Tebako patches for Julia
      puts "Applying Tebako patches for Julia #{version}..."
      # Implement Julia-specific patches here
  1. Update the packaging and execution processes:

Modify the Tebako::Packager class to handle different languages:

module Tebako
  class Packager
    def package(config)
      language = config['language']
      version = config['version']
      # ... (other configuration options)

      runtime_manager = RuntimeManager.new(LOCAL_REPO_PATH, REMOTE_REPO_URL)
      runtime_path = runtime_manager.ensure_runtime(language, version, os, arch)

      # Package the application with the appropriate runtime
      # ... (packaging logic)

  class Executor
    def execute(package_path)
      metadata = load_metadata(package_path)
      language = metadata['language']
      version = metadata['version']
      # ... (other metadata)

      runtime_manager = RuntimeManager.new(LOCAL_REPO_PATH, REMOTE_REPO_URL)
      runtime_path = runtime_manager.ensure_runtime(language, version, os, arch)

      # Execute the package with the appropriate runtime
      case language
      when 'ruby'
        system("#{runtime_path}/bin/ruby", package_path)
      when 'julia'
        system("#{runtime_path}/bin/julia", package_path)
        raise "Unsupported language: #{language}"
  1. Modify the configuration files:

Update the tebako.yaml format to include the language specification:

language: julia
version: 1.6.3
entry_point: main.jl
# ... (other configuration options)
  1. Update the GitHub Actions workflow:

Modify the build_runtimes.yml to build both Ruby and Julia runtimes:

name: Build and Release Tebako Runtimes

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
          - os: ubuntu-latest
            arch: x86_64
          - os: macos-latest
            arch: x86_64
          - os: windows-latest
            arch: x86_64
        language: [ruby, julia]
          - language: ruby
            versions: ['3.1.3', '3.2.4', '3.3.3']
          - language: julia
            versions: ['1.6.3', '1.7.2']

    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Set up Ruby
      uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
        ruby-version: '3.0'  # Use a stable version for building

    - name: Build Tebako Runtime
      run: |
        ruby -r ./lib/tebako/runtime_manager -e "
          repo = Tebako::RuntimeRepository.new('runtimes')
          builder = Tebako::RuntimeBuilder.new(repo)
          '${{ matrix.versions }}'.split(',').each do |version|
            builder.build_runtime('${{ matrix.language }}', version, '${{ runner.os }}', '${{ matrix.arch }}')

    # ... (rest of the workflow remains similar)

These changes allow Tebako to support multiple language runtimes, including Julia. The system is now more flexible and can be extended to support additional languages in the future by adding new language-specific builders and updating the configuration and execution processes accordingly.

ronaldtse commented 2 months ago

Tebako could be extended to support various interpretive languages that require a runtime environment. Some languages that could be relatively easily added to Tebako in the future include:

  1. Python: A widely-used language with a large ecosystem of libraries.

  2. Node.js: For JavaScript and TypeScript applications.

  3. Lua: A lightweight scripting language often used in game development and embedded systems.

  4. R: Popular for statistical computing and data analysis.

  5. Perl: Still used in many legacy systems and for text processing.

  6. PHP: Commonly used for web development.

  7. Tcl: Used in networking, embedded systems, and testing.

  8. Erlang/Elixir: For building scalable and fault-tolerant systems.

  9. Groovy: A dynamic language for the Java platform.

  10. Scala: Another JVM language, combining object-oriented and functional programming.

  11. Haskell: A purely functional programming language.

  12. OCaml: A multi-paradigm programming language.

  13. Go: While typically compiled, its runtime could be packaged for certain use cases.

  14. Racket: A general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language in the Lisp/Scheme family.

  15. Dart: Used for web, mobile, and desktop application development.

To add these languages, you would need to:

  1. Create a language-specific runtime builder (e.g., PythonRuntimeBuilder, NodeRuntimeBuilder, etc.).
  2. Implement the necessary Tebako patches for each language runtime.
  3. Update the RuntimeBuilder class to support the new language.
  4. Modify the Packager and Executor classes to handle the new language.
  5. Update the GitHub Actions workflow to build and release the new language runtimes.

Here's a sketch of how you might add Python support:

module Tebako
  class PythonRuntimeBuilder
    def initialize(repository)
      @repository = repository

    def build(version, os, arch)
      puts "Building Python #{version} for #{os} (#{arch})..."

      # Clone Python source
      system("git clone https://github.com/python/cpython.git -b v#{version} python-#{version}")

      # Apply Tebako patches

      # Build Python
      Dir.chdir("python-#{version}") do
        system("./configure --prefix=#{Dir.pwd}/install")
        system("make -j#{Etc.nprocessors}")
        system("make install")

      # Package the built Python
      output_file = "python-#{version}-#{os}-#{arch}.tar.gz"
      system("tar -czf #{output_file} -C python-#{version}/install .")

      # Add to repository
      @repository.add_runtime('python', version, os, arch, output_file)

      puts "Python #{version} for #{os} (#{arch}) built and added to repository."


    def apply_tebako_patches(version)
      puts "Applying Tebako patches for Python #{version}..."
      # Implement Python-specific patches here

Then, update the RuntimeBuilder:

class RuntimeBuilder
  # ...


  def get_language_specific_builder(language)
    case language
    when 'ruby'
    when 'julia'
    when 'python'
    # Add more languages here
      raise "Unsupported language: #{language}"

And update the Executor:

class Executor
  def execute(package_path)
    # ...
    case language
    when 'ruby'
      system("#{runtime_path}/bin/ruby", package_path)
    when 'julia'
      system("#{runtime_path}/bin/julia", package_path)
    when 'python'
      system("#{runtime_path}/bin/python", package_path)
    # Add more languages here
      raise "Unsupported language: #{language}"

By following this pattern, Tebako can be extended to support a wide range of interpretive languages, making it a versatile tool for packaging and distributing applications written in various programming languages.

ronaldtse commented 2 months ago

To integrate Julia with Tebako using libdwarfs for a memory-based file system, we'll need to make several modifications to the Julia interpreter. Here's an overview of the changes needed and how to manage these patches:

  1. File System Redirections: Julia's file system operations need to be redirected to use libdwarfs when accessing files within the packaged application. This primarily involves modifying Julia's I/O subsystem.

    Key areas to patch:

    • src/jl_uv.c: Contains Julia's libuv integration for file operations.
    • src/sys.c: Implements various system-level operations, including file system functions.
    • src/init.c: Initializes Julia's runtime, where we can set up the libdwarfs integration.
  2. Memory Mapping: Julia uses memory mapping for efficient file access. We need to modify this to work with the in-memory file system provided by libdwarfs.

    Key area to patch:

    • src/mmap.c: Implements memory mapping functionality.
  3. Module Loading: Julia's module system needs to be aware of the in-memory file system for loading packages and modules.

    Key area to patch:

    • src/toplevel.c: Handles module loading and evaluation.
  4. Standard Library Adjustments: Some parts of Julia's standard library that interact directly with the file system may need modifications.

    Key areas to patch:

    • base/io.jl
    • base/filesystem.jl
  5. Initialization: We need to initialize the libdwarfs system when Julia starts up, before any file operations occur.

    Key area to patch:

    • src/init.c

Here's how we can manage these patches:

  1. Create a Patch Directory: In the Tebako project, create a directory structure like:

  2. Create Patch Files: For each Julia version, create separate patch files for each area of modification. For example:

  3. Patch Application Script: Create a script that applies these patches during the Julia build process in the JuliaRuntimeBuilder:

    def apply_tebako_patches(version)
     patch_dir = File.join(PATCH_DIR, "julia", "v#{version}")
     Dir.glob(File.join(patch_dir, "*.patch")).sort.each do |patch_file|
       system("patch -p1 < #{patch_file}")
  4. Version Control: Keep these patches under version control in the Tebako repository. This allows for easy management of different patches for different Julia versions.

  5. Patch Maintenance: As new versions of Julia are released, review and update the patches as necessary. You may need to create new patch sets for major Julia versions.

  6. Documentation: Maintain documentation explaining each patch, why it's necessary, and any potential implications for Julia's behavior.

Example of a patch (simplified) for src/jl_uv.c:

--- a/src/jl_uv.c
+++ b/src/jl_uv.c
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ int jl_fs_open(const char *path, int flags, int mode)
+    if (is_tebako_path(path)) {
+        return tebako_open(path, flags, mode);
+    }
     uv_fs_t req;
     int r = uv_fs_open(NULL, &req, path, flags, mode, NULL);
     return r;

This patch checks if the path is within the Tebako filesystem and redirects to a Tebako-specific open function if so.

By managing patches this way, you can:

  1. Easily apply and update patches for different Julia versions.
  2. Keep track of changes required for Tebako integration.
  3. Quickly rebuild Julia with Tebako support when new versions are released.
  4. Collaborate with other developers on maintaining and improving the Julia integration.
ronaldtse commented 2 months ago

To patch Julia to use the memory-based file system provided by libdwarfs, we need to focus on several key areas of the Julia codebase. Here are the specific patches needed, organized by the main components that require modification:

  1. File System Operations (src/jl_uv.c):

This file handles low-level file system operations using libuv. We need to intercept these calls and redirect them to libdwarfs when appropriate.

--- a/src/jl_uv.c
+++ b/src/jl_uv.c
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #include <uv.h>
 #include "julia.h"
+#include "tebako/tebako-io.h"
+#include "tebako/tebako-fs.h"

 int jl_fs_open(const char *path, int flags, int mode)
+    if (within_tebako_memfs(path)) {
+        return tebako_open(path, flags, mode);
+    }
     uv_fs_t req;
     int r = uv_fs_open(NULL, &req, path, flags, mode, NULL);
     return r;

 ssize_t jl_fs_read(int fd, char *data, size_t len)
+    if (is_tebako_file_descriptor(fd)) {
+        return tebako_read(fd, data, len);
+    }
     uv_fs_t req;
     ssize_t r = uv_fs_read(NULL, &req, fd, &uv_buf_init(data, len), 1, -1, NULL);
     return r;

 // Similar modifications for jl_fs_write, jl_fs_close, jl_fs_stat, etc.
  1. Memory Mapping (src/mmap.c):

Julia uses memory mapping for efficient file access. We need to modify this to work with the in-memory file system.

--- a/src/mmap.c
+++ b/src/mmap.c
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 #include "julia.h"
+#include "tebako/tebako-io.h"
+#include "tebako/tebako-fs.h"

 void *jl_mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset)
+    if (is_tebako_file_descriptor(fd)) {
+        return tebako_mmap(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset);
+    }
     return mmap(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset);

 int jl_munmap(void *addr, size_t len)
+    if (within_tebako_memfs(addr)) {
+        return tebako_munmap(addr, len);
+    }
     return munmap(addr, len);
  1. Module Loading (src/toplevel.c):

Modify the module loading system to be aware of the in-memory file system.

--- a/src/toplevel.c
+++ b/src/toplevel.c
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 #include "julia.h"
+#include "tebako/tebako-io.h"
+#include "tebako/tebako-fs.h"

 jl_value_t *jl_load_file_string(const char *text, size_t len, char *filename)
+    if (within_tebako_memfs(filename)) {
+        // Use tebako functions to read the file content
+        char *tebako_content = tebako_read_file(filename, &len);
+        if (tebako_content) {
+            jl_value_t *result = jl_parse_input_line(tebako_content, len, filename, 0);
+            free(tebako_content);
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
     // Existing implementation for non-tebako files
  1. Initialization (src/init.c):

Initialize the libdwarfs system when Julia starts up.

--- a/src/init.c
+++ b/src/init.c
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 #include "julia.h"
+#include "tebako/tebako-io.h"
+#include "tebako/tebako-fs.h"

 void jl_init(void)
+    // Initialize tebako/libdwarfs
+    tebako_init();
     // Existing initialization code

 void jl_cleanup(void)
+    // Cleanup tebako/libdwarfs
+    tebako_cleanup();
     // Existing cleanup code
  1. Standard Library Adjustments (base/filesystem.jl):

Modify Julia's standard library functions that interact with the file system.

--- a/base/filesystem.jl
+++ b/base/filesystem.jl
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
 # filesystem.jl
+import Tebako
 function open(filename::AbstractString, mode::AbstractString="r")
+    if Tebako.within_memfs(filename)
+        return Tebako.open(filename, mode)
+    end
     # Existing open implementation

 function read(filename::AbstractString)
+    if Tebako.within_memfs(filename)
+        return Tebako.read(filename)
+    end
     # Existing read implementation

 # Similar modifications for other file operations
  1. Tebako Integration Header (include/julia/tebako.h):

Create a new header file to define the interface between Julia and Tebako/libdwarfs.

// include/julia/tebako.h

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

bool within_tebako_memfs(const char *path);
bool is_tebako_file_descriptor(int fd);
int tebako_open(const char *path, int flags, int mode);
ssize_t tebako_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
ssize_t tebako_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
int tebako_close(int fd);
void *tebako_mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
int tebako_munmap(void *addr, size_t len);
void tebako_init(void);
void tebako_cleanup(void);

#endif // JULIA_TEBAKO_H

These patches provide the core modifications needed to integrate libdwarfs with Julia for accessing the memory-based file system. The key points are:

  1. Intercepting file system calls and redirecting them to Tebako/libdwarfs functions when appropriate.
  2. Modifying memory mapping functions to work with the in-memory file system.
  3. Adjusting the module loading system to be aware of the in-memory file system.
  4. Initializing and cleaning up the Tebako/libdwarfs system.
  5. Modifying standard library functions to work with the in-memory file system.

Remember that these patches are conceptual and may need to be adjusted based on the specific versions of Julia and libdwarfs you're working with. You'll also need to implement the Tebako-specific functions (like tebako_open, tebako_read, etc.) to interface with libdwarfs.

ronaldtse commented 2 months ago

Testing these patches effectively is crucial to ensure that the integration of Tebako and libdwarfs with Julia works correctly and doesn't introduce any regressions. Here's a comprehensive approach to testing these patches:

  1. Unit Tests

Create unit tests for each modified function. These tests should cover both Tebako and non-Tebako paths.

Example for jl_fs_open:

void test_jl_fs_open() {
    // Test regular file open
    int fd = jl_fs_open("/tmp/test.txt", O_RDONLY, 0);
    assert(fd >= 0);

    // Test Tebako file open
    fd = jl_fs_open("/__tebako_memfs__/test.txt", O_RDONLY, 0);
    assert(fd >= 0);
  1. Integration Tests

Create tests that exercise the entire stack, from Julia code down to the libdwarfs layer.

function test_file_operations()
    # Write to a file in the Tebako filesystem
    open("/__tebako_memfs__/test.txt", "w") do f
        write(f, "Hello, Tebako!")

    # Read from the file
    content = read("/__tebako_memfs__/test.txt", String)
    @assert content == "Hello, Tebako!"

    # Test file existence
    @assert isfile("/__tebako_memfs__/test.txt")

    # Test directory operations
    @assert isdir("/__tebako_memfs__/testdir")

    # Test file copy
    cp("/__tebako_memfs__/test.txt", "/__tebako_memfs__/testdir/test_copy.txt")
    @assert isfile("/__tebako_memfs__/testdir/test_copy.txt")
  1. Performance Tests

Compare the performance of file operations between the regular filesystem and the Tebako filesystem.

function benchmark_file_operations()
    regular_time = @elapsed for i in 1:1000
        open("/tmp/bench.txt", "w") do f
            write(f, "Benchmark test")
        content = read("/tmp/bench.txt", String)

    tebako_time = @elapsed for i in 1:1000
        open("/__tebako_memfs__/bench.txt", "w") do f
            write(f, "Benchmark test")
        content = read("/__tebako_memfs__/bench.txt", String)

    println("Regular filesystem time: ", regular_time)
    println("Tebako filesystem time: ", tebako_time)
  1. Edge Case Tests

Test various edge cases and error conditions:

  1. Memory Leak Tests

Use tools like Valgrind to check for memory leaks, especially in the Tebako/libdwarfs integration code.

  1. Stress Tests

Create tests that put heavy load on the filesystem:

function stress_test()
    for i in 1:10000
        filename = "/__tebako_memfs__/stress_test_$i.txt"
        open(filename, "w") do f
            write(f, "Stress test content for file $i")
        content = read(filename, String)
  1. Compatibility Tests

Ensure that existing Julia packages that heavily rely on filesystem operations still work correctly with the Tebako integration.

  1. Cross-Platform Tests

Test the patches on all supported platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows) to ensure consistent behavior.

  1. Regression Tests

Create a suite of tests that cover all previously known bugs and edge cases to prevent regressions.

  1. Continuous Integration

Set up CI pipelines to automatically run these tests on every commit and pull request.

name: Tebako Integration Tests

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
        julia-version: ['1.6', '1.7', '1.8']
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Set up Julia
      uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1
        version: ${{ matrix.julia-version }}
    - name: Build Tebako-patched Julia
      run: |
        # Commands to apply patches and build Julia
    - name: Run tests
      run: |
        julia --project=@. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.test()'
  1. Fuzzing Tests

Use fuzzing tools to generate random inputs and file operations to uncover potential bugs or crashes.

  1. Benchmark Suite

Create a comprehensive benchmark suite to compare performance across different scenarios and Julia versions.

To implement these tests effectively:

  1. Organize tests into categories (unit, integration, performance, etc.).
  2. Use Julia's built-in testing framework (Test module) for Julia-level tests.
  3. Use a C testing framework (like Google Test) for low-level C tests.
  4. Automate test running as part of the build process.
  5. Generate test coverage reports to ensure all code paths are tested.
  6. Regularly review and update tests as the codebase evolves.

By implementing this comprehensive testing strategy, you can ensure that the Tebako patches are robust, performant, and don't introduce regressions in Julia's core functionality.