tamatebako / tebako

Tebako: an executable packager (for Ruby programs)
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Version conflict with CMakeLists.txt after upgrading Tebako gem #157

Open ronaldtse opened 1 week ago

ronaldtse commented 1 week ago

Originally, I ran this command using Tebako 0.7.0.

Then I used bundle to install Tebako 0.7.1 (upgraded).

When I run Tebako in the bundle, it complains of the CMakeLists.txt being generated from a different version.

In this case, I believe the CMake cache should be wiped.

$ bundle exec tebako press -e app.rb -o sample.tebako -r sinatra
No prefix specified, using ~/.tebako
Running tebako press at ~/.tebako
   Ruby version:            '3.1.6'
   Project root:            '~/src/tamatebako/tebako-samples/sinatra'
   Application entry point: 'app.rb'
   Package file name:       '~/src/tamatebako/tebako-samples/sample.tebako'
   Loging level:            'error'
CMake Error: The source "~/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.3.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0/gems/tebako-0.7.1/CMakeLists.txt" does not match the source "~/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.3.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0/gems/tebako-0.7.0/CMakeLists.txt" used to generate cache.  Re-run cmake with a different source directory.
Tebako script failed: 'tebako press' configure step failed [103]
ronaldtse commented 1 week ago

Furthermore, I don't know how to manually fix this issue. I don't know where the cache directory is at. Ping @maxirmx

maxirmx commented 1 week ago

Pleaae run tebako clean It is a method to clean the cache manually.