tambetm / gym-minecraft

Minecraft environment for Open AI Gym, based on Microsoft's Malmo.
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Does client_pool work? #16

Closed SuperLinguini closed 6 years ago

SuperLinguini commented 6 years ago

I keep getting this error when running env.init(client_pool=[('', 10001)]). I've launched the Malmo server using ./launchClient -port 10001. Error: Error starting mission: Failed to find an available client for this mission - tried all the clients in the supplied client pool.

tambetm commented 6 years ago

The last time I tested it worked, but it has been a while. Does telnet 10001 connect?

SuperLinguini commented 6 years ago

While Minecraft is running I get, Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. When it's not I get, Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

tambetm commented 6 years ago

Does it work with port 10000, which is the default? I.e. if you don't pass -port 10001 to ./launchClient.sh and don't pass client_pool to env.init()?

SuperLinguini commented 6 years ago

Nevermind. It just wasn't working on my Ubuntu dual boot.