tambourinecoder / gulp-jst-concat

Compile underscore / lodash view templates to a single JST file
MIT License
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variable opt is not being used #5

Open sofuxro opened 9 years ago

sofuxro commented 9 years ago

I've using this setup:

        // Converts windows path to unix

        .pipe(jst_concat('templates.js', {
            renameKeys: ['^.*templates\/(.*).html$', '$1'],
            variable:   'data'


But my templates still look like this (still using the with):

this.JST = {"item_in_list": function(obj) {
obj || (obj = {});
var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape, __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }
with (obj) {