The color and font-family is working properly, but not the font-size property.
Here is my inline call to the component for debugging purposes:
<Typewriter className='TypeWriter' options={{ strings: ['0', '1', '2'], skipAddStyles: true, autoStart: true, loop: true, wrapperClassName: 'TypeWriter', cursor: '|',cursorClassName:'TypeWriter'}}/>
Not sure if I'm correctly doing this in ReactJS, but when setting the wrapperClassName to this:
.TypeWriter { color: #1F6BFF; font-family:'Space Mono'; font-size:'80px' }
The color and font-family is working properly, but not the font-size property.
Here is my inline call to the component for debugging purposes:
<Typewriter className='TypeWriter' options={{ strings: ['0', '1', '2'], skipAddStyles: true, autoStart: true, loop: true, wrapperClassName: 'TypeWriter', cursor: '|',cursorClassName:'TypeWriter'}}/>
Thanks, Josh