tamhinsf / ChannelSurf

Move from Slack to Microsoft Teams and manage your Teams environment
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Stuck after "You've Successfully signed in" #30

Open klawlor-kg opened 4 years ago

klawlor-kg commented 4 years ago

Let's get started! Sign in to Microsoft with your Teams credentials: To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code * to authenticate. You've successfully signed in. Welcome ****


This is where I am stuck in the command prompt. The instructions says "Select the target Microsoft Team you want to create or re-create your channels into. You can also choose to create a new Microsoft Team."

Where do I select the target team??? Am I missing something obvious?

orappold commented 4 years ago

Were you able to make any progress on this? Same status for me after I finally managed to sign in!

orappold commented 4 years ago

Please help :D

hamaluik commented 4 years ago

Same problem here..

renatoshimabukuro commented 4 years ago

Check out for the API Permissions of your application in Azure AD. I have set up these:

I guess that you don't need to set them all. If you get success setting with less permissions than I, please let me know.

ilyalehrman commented 1 year ago

The app proceeded after I added the following delegated permissions and granted admin consent:

  1. Directory.ReadWrite.All
  2. Files.ReadWrite.All
  3. Group.ReadWrite.All
  4. User.ReadWrite.All
RossMadness commented 1 year ago

This seems to be well and truly broken at this point. I added all the permissions that have been suggested above and it still stops after successfully signing in.