tamirez3dco / ThingsMaker

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Profile touch up #141

Closed Sheridan007 closed 11 years ago

Sheridan007 commented 11 years ago

Robots need to be fainter

lizard also needs to be fainter with 'your photo' in faint writing under neath

please request fainter artwork and text via email if required.

space around whats next text is important - especially with heading font spacing etc... but most important is the link at bottom to contact us.

other items here to complete:

Remove picture frame icon.

Change Name text to smaller font maybe H2 type - in black.

Please can the links on my designer profile point towards the products (most important) my website - which is http://www.e-DNA.co.uk

and my email which should read info@e-DNA.co.uk but the link should be info@designpartners.co.uk

Also can Jonathan Sheridan read: Jonathan Sheridan & designpartners ( I think in smaller font but still in blue,)

amitaviv99 commented 11 years ago

Done everything, I think.. please review Except "Jonathan Sheridan & designpartners" I'm reluctant to do it, it's not right that you are part of ThingsMaker, and write a different company title in your profile. If you feel it is very important to you, I'm open for discussion.

Sheridan007 commented 11 years ago

Its both important and true... I did not create these on my own and have to mention my partners.. also it might be good to show professional designers will be on the site..

Your thinking is not towards a common goal - rather paranoid. Plus It has always bee areed I continue with my own company/ Plus it is probably the best advertsiing the site is getting right now - i.e. in links from a professional company site.


On Sunday 09/12/2012 at 11:42 am, amitaviv99 wrote:

Done everything, I think.. please review Except "Jonathan Sheridan & designpartners" I'm reluctant to do it, it's not right that you are part of ThingsMaker, and write a different company title in your profile. If you feel it is very important to you, I'm open for discussion. ” Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.