tamirez3dco / ThingsMaker

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About us & Designers Profile text Amend #161

Closed Sheridan007 closed 11 years ago

Sheridan007 commented 11 years ago

About us text amend

Each model has hundreds of options and permutations. The generative process illustrates the evolution of a customers design in visuals and snapshot views of the print ready and final production ready form.

Sheridan007 commented 11 years ago

Plus I need to mention / credit my designpartners... and the way my profile is written - is exactly in this way. If I were just a design you would let me write what ever I want here - and feel you should do the same here.

This is all on Github - but wasnt mentioned - please amend as I mention here and then check the colours with me - other wise give me a call [17:03:15] jonathan sheridan: A fifth parameter should also be mentioned - 'Coming soon' graphics and illsutration addition. [17:03:39] jonathan sheridan: There should also be in brackets (under development demo) after the name of the products.

p.s. the fonts for the names is not good need to be Arial - and black.

Sheridan007 commented 11 years ago

Whats next? should include design as second to last word - as here:

We are interested in new technology and ways of introducing parametric geometry to clients through our servers. Currently we use Python, VBscripts and C#, Rhino and Grasshopper (which is our default). However we are open to new ideas and welcome generative tools that might push the envelope with our visual design system.

Sheridan007 commented 11 years ago

I have now had a chance to absorb the designers page - and its good - but the colours dont quite work - can we try something different please? Lets chat about it when we are next on Skype - Can you try a grey please and post me it.

plus most important is a link frm the designer page to the products..

plus can my website aim at the funkier page : http://www.designpartners.co.uk/Projects/page0.html

also I notice the width of the designer page is different from the others - continuity is important for reflecting quality.. can you squeze the text in?

Sheridan007 commented 11 years ago

Important that my link opens in new page not same page too.

Sheridan007 commented 11 years ago

Background colours should be 234,234,234

Title Text 66,66,66

Title size 16pt

Cant work out how to try H1 tyepface out on the designers name... would be good though - i.e. at 16pt.

amitaviv99 commented 11 years ago

Did most, I think. I'm closing it. Don't reopen. Please review, and create new issues (if needed), per specific task.

Sheridan007 commented 11 years ago

Outstanding jobs to make into individual tasks:

Jonathan Sheridan (e-DNA)

About us text amend

Each model has hundreds of options and permutations. The generative process illustrates the evolution of a customers design in visuals and snapshot views of the print ready and final production ready form.

Include design as second to last word - as here:

We are interested in new technology and ways of introducing parametric geometry to clients through our servers. Currently we use Python, VBscripts and C#, Rhino and Grasshopper (which is our default). However we are open to new ideas and welcome generative tools that might push the envelope with our visual design system.

Remove :

Build a new and adaptable product platform, that will evolve and sell around and through the online connected TMT platform.

From the Whats next sticky.

Can we please ave the header tyepface on the designers names...at 16pt.

Link from product images and params to the creation of those products..

Aim at the funkier page from my web link : http://www.designpartners.co.uk/Projects/page0.html

It is Important that my link opens a new page not in the same page.

links from 'your name' and 'you email' should direct to - designers@thingsmaker.com

The width of the designer page needs to be the same as all the others

amitaviv99 commented 11 years ago

Jonathan, I did most of what is written as "outstanding". Please review, and open just those that are not done.