tammasloughran / ehfheatwaves

A script to calculate heatwaves from AWAP
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Related to season #23

Open GanarajDalal opened 1 year ago

GanarajDalal commented 1 year ago

Good Evening sir, Can I use the Ehfheatwaves directory on github for computing the heatwaves in India. In India summer season is from March till May. But in the github directory summer season is mentioned from November to march I want to compute heatwaves for summer season in India starting from March till May. Thanking you in anticipation

tammasloughran commented 1 year ago

Hi @GanarajDalal,

Unfortunately, as it is at the moment, you cannot use it to calculate the season metrics for arbitrary months (I.e. frequency, duration, intensity, etc...). There were some rules that were created about what heatwave is, and isn't, considered to be "in season". For example, a heatwave that runs over the defined day of year considered to be "in season" may, or may not, be considered within the desired season, depending on how many of that heatwave's days are within the season. The reason we did this is because for data from future model simulations, heatwaves close to the equator can become very long with a warming climate. Long heatwaves that run into the season, and mostly occur within season, might be excluded otherwise.

However, you can use ehfheatwaves to identify heatwaves that occur throughout the whole year by using the --dailyonly flag. The daily output has a variable for the intensity of the heatwave metric for each day of the heatwave, a variable that represents the duration of the heatwave on the last day it occurs, and another logical variable that marks whether a heatwave is occurring on any given day. You can then use the daily output to calculate statistics of those heatwaves over March–May yourself.

Cheers, Tam

tammasloughran commented 1 year ago

--tx90pc-daily and --tn90pc-daily would do the same thing if you want to use those heatwave indices.