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Encrypted USB Key for your SSH Keys #63

Closed tammersaleh closed 10 years ago

tammersaleh commented 10 years ago

screenshot 2014-02-11 11-42-07

tammersaleh commented 10 years ago


#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [ -z $HOURS ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <num hours>"
  exit 1

ssh-add -D
ssh-add -t ${HOURS}H $(dirname $0)/id_rsa
diskutil umount force $(dirname $0)
tammersaleh commented 10 years ago

No way to make the key read-only :(

tammersaleh commented 10 years ago


tammersaleh commented 10 years ago

Add ability to choose key in script

tammersaleh commented 10 years ago

put entire .ssh directory on the key?

tammersaleh commented 10 years ago

Show how to encrypt the USB drive

tammersaleh commented 10 years ago

keys_tammer 2014-02-13 09-53-58 2014-02-13 09-54-26

tammersaleh commented 10 years ago
2.0.0 ~ $ /Volumes/keys_tammer/add_key 8
All identities removed.
Enter passphrase for /Volumes/keys_tammer/id_rsa:
Identity added: /Volumes/keys_tammer/id_rsa (/Volumes/keys_tammer/id_rsa)
Lifetime set to 28800 seconds
Volume keys_tammer on disk5 force-unmounted
tammersaleh commented 10 years ago
