tamsanh / kedro-great

The easiest way to integrate Kedro and Great Expectations
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[Bug] run_after_node=True option tries to load CSVDataSet before it is written #8

Open crypdick opened 3 years ago

crypdick commented 3 years ago

The run_after_node=True option works fine if the dataset already exists. However, the first time a pipeline is run, this throws kedro.io.core.DataSetError: Failed while loading data from data set ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory on this line: https://github.com/tamsanh/kedro-great/blob/master/kedro_great/kedro_great.py#L103

If I disable run_after_node, run the pipeline, then re-enable and re-run there is no issue.

Let me know if I should report this upstream instead (IMO Kedro's after_node_run hook should trigger after writing files to disk).