tanaikech / MoveFolder

This is a Google Apps Script library for moving a folder including files and folders on Google Drive.
MIT License
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Resource key cannot be passed as a query parameter, use the X-Goog-Drive-Resource-Keys header inste.. #1

Open swebster22 opened 3 weeks ago

swebster22 commented 3 weeks ago


swebster22 commented 3 weeks ago

Assuming X-Goog-Drive-Resource-Keys in the header is the resolution I found this syntax: https://developers.google.com/drive/api/guides/resource-keys#syntax

Found related Stack Overflow with header solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69260304/drive-api-update

tanaikech commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your comment. In the current stage, I have no environment for testing a sample situation with the resource key. I apologize for this situation. When I have it, I would like to implement it.