tanansatpal / ngx-mat-intl-tel-input

MIT License
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While typing dial code after 1 number is added to input #168

Open khitrukhina opened 1 year ago

khitrukhina commented 1 year ago

While typing dial code after 1 number is added to input. So you can choose any dial code with 1 at the beginning and it seems like its considered as usa 1 dialcode. And after that, when part of code is added to input you can't choose another dial code until you clear the input completely. And when you try to delete phone number with backspace, there also is a bug. Please, look attached screenshots.

localhost_4200_users (24) localhost_4200_users (25)

sedhu1601 commented 1 year ago

HI Khitrukhina , did u solved it or you got any solution. i am also facing this issue.