in save_pheatmap, res is used as a named default parameter when calling the graphical device, which throws an error when dev is set to pdf (and I assume the same happens for svg)
> mcATAC::save_pheatmap(x = p_pltmt_modules,dev = pdf,
filename = './output/metacell_model/nsc_gene_modules/figs/nsc_ipc_astro_stem_modules_phm_flag.pdf',
h = 9, w = 8.5)
Error in dev(filename, width = width, height = height, res = res): unused argument (res = res)
1. mcATAC::save_pheatmap(x = p_pltmt_modules, dev = pdf, filename = "./output/metacell_model/nsc_gene_modules/figs/nsc_ipc_astro_stem_modules_phm_flag.pdf",
. h = 9, w = 8.5)
in save_pheatmap,
is used as a named default parameter when calling the graphical device, which throws an error when dev is set to pdf (and I assume the same happens for svg)