pmin(confu_n, quantile(confu_n, 1 - 3/nrow(confu_n))) # at line 249 of file /net/mraid14/export/data/users/atanay/proj/metacell/metacell/R/mc_hierarchy.r
quantile(confu_n, 1 - 3/nrow(confu_n)) # at line 249 of file /net/mraid14/export/data/users/atanay/proj/metacell/metacell/R/mc_hierarchy.r
quantile.default(confu_n, 1 - 3/nrow(confu_n))
stop("missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE")
I followed the vignette and when I reached its final part of visualizing the MC confusion matrix I got the following error:
Error in quantile.default(confu_n, 1 - 3/nrow(confu_n)): missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE Traceback: