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[Project] [review] Movie App using movieDB API #665

Open tarunyadav1 opened 4 years ago

tarunyadav1 commented 4 years ago

Hey mentor,

please review my code and let me know if any changes required.

Check it live here

About Project

Movie library app using Reactjs and the MovieDB API. In this app, you can search for any movie details.

project image

Tech stack used

Link of live app:- https://movielib.netlify.app/

Link of Github repo:- https://github.com/tarunyadav1/Movie-Library-App-using-Reactjs-and-The-MovieDB-API

swapnadeepmohapatra commented 4 years ago

Hi @tarunyadav1 ,

The app UI is really cool. I really liked the layout. You can add more features that can really help the users.

This is really a good effort but try to add something more on top of the API.

Regards, Swapnadeep

Uyadav207 commented 4 years ago

Hey @tarunyadav1 , 👋 Nice UI ❤. Agreed with @swapnadeepmohapatra

How ?

Thanks, @Uyadav207