Open tanayshah1 opened 2 months ago
Aidan Lau Review for Imaad
Hi Tanay, I liked how your about page had flags from all the places you lived in and when you clicked on it they displayed pictures you took in that place. I thought that a really interesting feature. I would change the picture slideshow, however, to make the images bigger/easier to see. I also liked your snake game, but, I though you should add a score title and also different game modes like the google snake game. Overall, great job, I really liked the features you included and the design/customization of your page! Thanks! Dinesh Sahai
Imaad Muzaffer's comment I liked the snake game because it has a retro vibe to it and it is fun to play with. I also liked how the flags on the About page were linked to other pages to highlight your interest in photography. However, something you could change for the snake game is making it so the walls kill the player because right now the only way to die is to hit yourself which is very hard when the borders are open. Another thing you could change is the theme of the website from the native black theme.
Nisarg Shah comments for Tanay Shah
Hi Tanay, great website!
Tanav review for Tanay
What I liked...
What I didn't like...
Good work!
Wonderful start and great innovations at this point. No formal self evaluation .91
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_Originally posted by @jm1021 in