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error ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3) and wrong output for Step 2: Parse Knowledge Graph #1

Open Sandy4321 opened 6 months ago

Sandy4321 commented 6 months ago

LLM with Knowledge Graphs.ipynb

I get error ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3) and wrong output for Step 2: Parse Knowledge Graph https://github.com/tanchongmin/TensorFlow-Implementations/blob/main/Tutorial/LLM%20with%20Knowledge%20Graphs.ipynb


and image

and image

some updates in your code done to meet changes in updated packages def strict_output(system_prompt, user_prompt, output_format, default_category = "", output_value_only = False, model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature = 0, num_tries = 2, verbose = False): ''' Ensures that OpenAI will always adhere to the desired output json format. Uses rule-based iterative feedback to ask GPT to self-correct. Keeps trying up to num_tries it it does not. Returns empty json if unable to after num_tries iterations. If output field is a list, will treat as a classification problem and output best classification category. Text enclosed within < > will generated by GPT accordingly'''

# if the user input is in a list, we also process the output as a list of json
list_input = isinstance(user_prompt, list)
# if the output format contains dynamic elements of < or >, then add to the prompt to handle dynamic elements
dynamic_elements = '<' in str(output_format)
# if the output format contains list elements of [ or ], then we add to the prompt to handle lists
list_output = '[' in str(output_format)

# start off with no error message
error_msg = ''

for i in range(num_tries):

    output_format_prompt = f'''\nYou are to output the following in json format: {output_format}. 

Do not put quotation marks or escape character \ in the output fields.'''

    if list_output:
        output_format_prompt += f'''\nIf output field is a list, classify output into the best element of the list.'''

    # if output_format contains dynamic elements, process it accordingly
    if dynamic_elements: 
        output_format_prompt += f'''

Any text enclosed by < and > indicates you must generate content to replace it. Example input: Go to , Example output: Go to the garden Any output key containing < and > indicates you must generate the key name to replace it. Example input: {{'': 'description of location'}}, Example output: {{'school': 'a place for education'}}'''

    # if input is in a list format, ask it to generate json in a list
    if list_input:
        output_format_prompt += '''\nGenerate a list of json, one json for each input element.'''

    # Use OpenAI to get a response
    response = openai.chat.completions.create(
      temperature = temperature,
        {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt + output_format_prompt + error_msg},
        {"role": "user", "content": str(user_prompt)}

    #res = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].replace('\'', '"')
    res = response.choices[0].message.content.replace('\'', '"')
    # ensure that we don't replace away aprostophes in text 
    res = re.sub(r"(\w)\"(\w)", r"\1'\2", res)

    if verbose:
        print('System prompt:', system_prompt + output_format_prompt + error_msg)
        print('\nUser prompt:', str(user_prompt))
        print('\nGPT response:', res)

    # try-catch block to ensure output format is adhered to
        output = json.loads(res)
        if isinstance(user_prompt, list):
            if not isinstance(output, list): raise Exception("Output format not in a list of json")
            output = [output]

        # check for each element in the output_list, the format is correctly adhered to
        for index in range(len(output)):
            for key in output_format.keys():
                # unable to ensure accuracy of dynamic output header, so skip it
                if '<' in key or '>' in key: continue
                # if output field missing, raise an error
                if key not in output[index]: raise Exception(f"{key} not in json output")
                # check that one of the choices given for the list of words is an unknown
                if isinstance(output_format[key], list):
                    choices = output_format[key]
                    # ensure output is not a list
                    if isinstance(output[index][key], list):
                        output[index][key] = output[index][key][0]
                    # output the default category (if any) if GPT is unable to identify the category
                    if output[index][key] not in choices and default_category:
                        output[index][key] = default_category
                    # if the output is a description format, get only the label
                    if ':' in output[index][key]:
                        output[index][key] = output[index][key].split(':')[0]

            # if we just want the values for the outputs
            if output_value_only:
                output[index] = [value for value in output[index].values()]
                # just output without the list if there is only one element
                if len(output[index]) == 1:
                    output[index] = output[index][0]

        return output if list_input else output[0]

    except Exception as e:
        error_msg = f"\n\nResult: {res}\n\nError message: {str(e)}"
        print("An exception occurred:", str(e))
        print("Current invalid json format:", res)

return {}
Sandy4321 commented 6 months ago

updated packages today since for old packages not working at all pip install langchain openai --upgrade

tanchongmin commented 6 months ago

I have updated strictjson. Let me modify the code and upload again

Sandy4321 commented 6 months ago

great, thanks , pls to it asap

Sandy4321 commented 6 months ago

any updates pls

Sandy4321 commented 6 months ago

are you going to fix bug pls

Sandy4321 commented 5 months ago

is it possible to fix bug s pls

tanchongmin commented 5 months ago

You're in luck! I had some free time today and updated the OpenAI API. The StrictJSON portion was actually working as it was using the old strict_output defined in the notebook.

I have updated it to use the current StrictJSON v4.0.0!

Check it out here: https://github.com/tanchongmin/strictjson/blob/main/Experiments/LLM%20with%20Knowledge%20Graphs.ipynb

Sandy4321 commented 5 months ago

great thanks , let me check. only when i installing I get downgrading some packages Installing collected packages: anyio, openai, strictjson Attempting uninstall: anyio Found existing installation: anyio 4.3.0 Uninstalling anyio-4.3.0: Successfully uninstalled anyio-4.3.0 Attempting uninstall: openai Found existing installation: openai 1.14.3 Uninstalling openai-1.14.3: Successfully uninstalled openai-1.14.3 Successfully installed anyio-3.7.1 openai-1.3.6 strictjson-4.0.0

is it what you meant to do ?

tanchongmin commented 1 week ago

did the jupyter notebook work?